Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Missouri: The future of the death penalty

Missouri has executed 67 people since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. Only Texas, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Florida have carried out more death sentences since that time.

Missouri did not put anyone to death until 1989, but executions reached an all time high in the state from 1990 to 1999. During that time, 40 prisoners were executed by lethal injection. Texas and Virginia were the only states to execute more prisoners in those 10 years.

Death sentences reached their highest peak in Missouri in 1988, when 17 prisoners were condemned to die after being found guilty of 1st degree murder. In 1999, the state carried out nine executions, the most in Missouri since the death penalty was reinstated.

"That is a reflection of where the death penalty was in the 90s," said Corinne Farrell, Communications and Education Director at the Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D.C. "Tons of people were being sentenced to death, and it was very popular."

A stall in the process

While Missouri has been a leader in executions over the past 2 decades, 15 other states have conducted more executions between 2009-2010.

Since 2005, the state has carried out one death sentence. The decline stems from a 2006 case regarding the constitutionality of lethal injection, and a national moratorium, which put all executions on hold in 2008.

In January 2006, a decision by the US District Court, based on the constitutionality of Missouri's execution procedure, placed a moratorium on all executions in the state.

The case was filed by Michael Taylor who was to be put to death in 2006, but was given a stay of execution just minutes before the sentence was carried out.

The decision by the court came after the surgeon, who prepared the three drugs for the lethal injection process, admitted to only using half of the set dosage of Thiopental, the first drug injected in the three-drug protocol, which puts the inmate to sleep.

Doctors at the trial testified that without the proper dosage of Thiopental, the third drug, Potassium Chloride, would result in a painful death.

Because the Department of Corrections did not have a written protocol for executions, Dr. "Doe 1" as he was referred to in the 2006 court document, felt he could use his own judgment for the execution procedure. Dr. "Doe 1" also admitted to being dyslexic.

During the Taylor litigation, the district court determined Missouri's unwritten method of execution subjected condemned prisoners to an unconstitutional risk of pain and suffering and ordered the state to prepare a written protocol, according to the 2006 document.

After the Missouri Department of Corrections installed a written protocol for its execution process in July 2006, the 8th Circuit Courts of the Appeals vacated their previous decision in June 2007.

Shortly after, the US Supreme Court ordered a national moratorium, which put all executions on hold, to examine the three drug protocol in Kentucky.

On April 16, 2008, the supreme court ruled that Kentucky's three-drug protocol for carrying out lethal injection did not amount to cruel and unusual punishment. As a result, the national moratorium was lifted.

Only five states issued more death sentences than Missouri, which imposed 6 that year. Across the country there were only 111, bringing death sentences to an all time low.

Missouri only issued one death sentence in 2007, during which the Taylor case was still going on.

The Supreme Court decision did not bring the debate over lethal injection in Missouri to a close. Taylor and 7 other inmates appealed to the courts again.

According to the 2009 8th circuit court document, the inmates contended that Missouri's current execution protocol violated the 8th Amendment because the substantial risk of the protocol, and that it may be improperly administered by incompetent, or unqualified medical personnel.

While a final decision was still being made in the case, Missouri executed its first inmate since 2005. Dennis Skillicorn became the 67th inmate to be put to death on May 20, 2009. Because Skillicorn was not a part of the current lawsuit, the process was allowed to take place.

Reginald Clemens was scheduled to be executed in June 2009, but was given a stay because he was part of the case.

On Nov. 10, 2009 the federal appeals court ruled against the inmates. Taylor said they would appeal that decision as well.

While 61 inmates remain on Missouri death row, the state has not scheduled any executions for 2011, but Farrell believes its just a matter of time before executions resume in Missouri.

Roderick Nunley was scheduled to die by lethal injection late last month but a Federal District Court issued a stay on Oct. 20 to decide if Nunley was entitled to a jury for sentencing. Missouri is appealing that stay.

The Missouri Supreme Court says it will look into the case again in January.

Jacquline Lapine, the Chief Public Information Officer at the Missouri Department of corrections, said the department would resume executions as soon as directed by the courts.

Where the trend is heading

The lethal injection debate has given anti death penalty supporters more reason for opposition, and public opinion polls show that there are less people in favor of the death penalty than there was in the mid-90s.

A 2006 Gallup Poll found that the overall support for the death penalty was 65%, down from 80% in 1994.

"We are seeing a diminishment in practice across the country on the death penalty," Sister Helen Prejean said. "I have not found in the last 20 years, that the American public is wedded to it."

Prejean has accompanied 16 prisoners to their execution over the past two decades. For 20 years, her goal has been to get people to reflect on the death penalty, and ultimately, see it eliminated.

Source: Daily Mirror, November 30, 2010

Franco and Hathaway picked as co-hosts for Oscars

http://news-updations.blogspot.com/ James Franco and Anne Hathaway have immediately what Academy Awards producers want as hosts of Hollywood's main night. They'll put on a show, somewhat than just another awards ceremony, organizer says.

Hollywood news updates Bruce Cohen and Don Mischer, producers of the Feb. 27 telecast, said Monday they had selected Franco and Hathaway as hosts as the two are raising stars with broad talent that will help turn the night into a carnival of film.

"What we have here are two really up-and-coming talents who are much respected and are going to have, I think, superb careers," Mischer said. "They deserve to be there, they've got the chops to be there, they want to be present, and I think that's going to make the addressees really relate to them."

Full story

Pentagon study dismisses risk of gay troops

A Pentagon learn on gays in the military has determined that overturn the law known as "don't ask, don't tell" might cause some disturbance at first but would not make any widespread or long-lasting harms.

The answer was confirmed by two people familiar with the findings. They spoke on form of anonymity since the results hadn't been publicly on the loose.

The study found that 70 percent of troops supposed that repealing the law would have mixed, positive or no effect, while 30 percent predict negative cost. Opposition was strongest among fight troops, with 40 percent saying it was a bad idea. That numeral climbs to 46 percent among Marines.

Full story

Iran agrees to discuss its nuclear program

Iran – harden its place ahead of next week's nuclear talks with the world powers, Iran's president vow Tuesday his country would not make "one iota" of concession over its nuclear rights.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that a get through could only be likely only if the new talks are held under "equal" circumstances and if Iran's rights are appreciated.

"If you want consequences from the talks, you must put aside the devil's temper and sit collectively under equal conditions on the basis of justice and esteem ... and talk about various economic and nuclear fields, arrive at a deal and do joint work," Ahmadinejad said in a speech show live on state TV.

Full story

Obama, Hill leaders meet: taxes, treaty on tap

House and Senate leaders from both party sat down Tuesday for their first postelection assembly with President Barack Obama in an ambiance charged with worry over taxes and a new nuclear arms treaty with Russia.

Republicans set the tone for the session early, declare steadfast opposition to any tax increase when the current Bush era tax cuts conclude at the end of the year. Obama has said he would combat a permanent additional room of the tax cuts for taxpayers earning more than $200,000 as persons and $250,000 as couples.

At the same time a couple of Republican senators signal possible pressure group on the START treaty which would reduce nuclear arms arsenals in the U.S. and Russia. Obama has made support of the treaty this year a top nationwide security goal.

Full story

Updated Wills Calendar includes images

PRONI has launched an updated online version of the Wills Calendar search. It includes nearly 93,500 digitised images of copy wills covering the period 1858-1900, along with over twenty years worth of calendar entries.

It provides a searchable index to wills proved in the Armagh, Belfast and Londonderry district probate registries during the years 1858-1919 and 1922-1943.

Part of 1921 has been added, with remaining entries for 1920-1921 to follow in the near future.

These documents are a valuable and widely-used family and local history resource. Researchers are now able to search the online index, read the will calendar entry and, for many of the entries, view an image of the will.

This release is the latest addition to PRONI’s online resources which also include the Ulster Covenant, Freeholders Records, Street Directories and Name Search. Visit the site at www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives/will_calendars.htm.

GI News—December 2010

  • Maintain weight loss with a low GI diet and a little more protein
  • Read all about Australia’s first low GI potato (GI55)
  • Water and health, Prof. Barry Popkin shares some thoughts
  • Sugar-sweetened drinks and diabetes risk
  • Is HFCS worse than sugar? Nicole Senior checks out the evidence
  • 9 new GI values from Fiona Atkinson at SUGiRS
With the festive season upon us, we wish you all the best for the holidays and the new year with an issue that includes three tasty recipes from the GI News Kitchen (Johanna’s Canoli Cream Dip, Diane’s Homemade Hommus and Miguel’s Garlic Prawns) along with simple tips from Emma Stirling on celebrating in style without regret (well, not too many regrets). We will be doing just that with our families and friends. We love the comment from distinguished professor of public health and professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health, Dr. Lewis Kuller, who said ‘…Eating is a social pleasure and not a therapeutic challenge.’

Good eating, good health and good reading.

Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web management and design: Alan Barclay, PhD

Food for Thought

Water is unique

‘Most beverages can support hydration, but water is unique in its capacity to do this without adding sugars or many other compounds to the diet,’ write Prof. Barry Popkin and Melissa Daniels in a recent systematic review looking at the impact of water on energy intake and weight. They point out that in the average diet the proportion of water has diminished as people have shifted to other beverages containing one or many of the following – sugar, caffeine, natural and artificial flavourings, non-nutritive sweeteners and carbonation. For more on water, hydration, health and weight, check out the following articles by Prof Barry Popkin published in Nutrition Reviews:

Barry Popkin

Barry Popkin

Meantime, here’s an extract from Barry Popkin’s book, The World Is Fat, on why water is so good and why bottled water is OK. Barry is Professor of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina.

‘Water is the basis of life for all mammals. Aside from breast milk, water was all we drank for hundreds of thousands of years. Before we developed agriculture, water was rarely contaminated. Beginning with agriculture and throughout subsequent urbanisation, feces (animal and human) and other contaminants began to create health problems related to water consumption. Pathogens periodically led to outbreaks of cholera and dysentery; more recently, toxic chemicals have caused problems.

The World Is Fat

When I lived in India, I knew I would become sick if I drank the water – and I did, often. When I could I’d drink a Coca-cola, which was omnipresent and easy to find on any street corner. This is why Mexicans drink so many canned and bottled beverages – they are safe. You don’t get the bacteria in Coke, Pepsi or any other bottled beverage that you do in unsafe water; bottled water is also popular in such a setting and has been the savior in countries where public sources of water are contaminated. Elsewhere, the rise of designer bottled waters has been a steady and healthful trend.

We all have an intuitive understanding of why we drink. We need a certain amount of water daily to survive. Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs and brain all contain a lot of water. Our bodies need water to transport nutrients to our organs, to transport oxygen to our cells, to remove waste and to protect our organs. We’ll die if we go more than four or five days without water.

A former student of mine is dedicated to studying water and its effects on human health. Research we’ve done together on water and dieting in women shows that increased water intake is linked with reduced energy intake, weight, risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems. I’m also involved in three random controlled trials involving children and adults: we want to know if the link between water and health is robust. My sense is that we’ll not only show that water is important for replacing caloric beverages, but that there are additional health benefits to water as well.

Drinking water, whether it comes from a faucet or bottle, is an easy step we can all take toward better health. Bottled water should not be pitted against tap water, however. This is a false choice. We should talk about the essential need we all have to consume more water. And of course we should push for the complete recycling of bottles and other containers.’

News Briefs

Sugar-sweetened drinks and diabetes risk

Consuming soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages regularly is associated with a greater risk of metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes according to a meta-analysis of 11 published studies (300,000 participants) by Harvard School of Public Health researchers published in Diabetes Care.

Sugar sweetened beverages

‘Many previous studies have examined the relationship between sugar-sweetened beverages and risk of diabetes, and most have found positive associations but our study, which is a pooled analysis of the available studies, provides an overall picture of the magnitude of risk and the consistency of the evidence,’ said lead author Vasanti Malik.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are made up of energy-containing sweeteners such as sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or fruit juice concentrates, all of which, the authors noted, have essentially similar metabolic effects. The consumption of such beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen globally.

The findings showed that drinking one to two sugary drinks per day increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26% and the risk of metabolic syndrome by 20% compared with those who consumed less than one sugary drink per month.

While a number of factors are at work in the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, sugar-sweetened beverages represent one easily modifiable risk factor that if reduced will likely make an important impact, say the researchers. ‘People should limit how much sugar-sweetened beverages they drink and replace them with healthy alternatives, such as water, to reduce risk of diabetes as well as obesity, gout, tooth decay, and cardiovascular disease,’ said Malik.

The researchers added that although sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes, in part due to their contribution towards weight gain, there may be other mechanisms involved. Such mechanisms may include the high levels of easily absorbed added sugars in drinks contributing to a high dietary glycemic load, which is known to induce glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.

It’s here. Finally. The low GI potato.

Four years ago we started the hunt for a low GI potato. We sat down with chef and potato expert Graham Liney, owner of restaurant/guest house Willow Vale Mill, near Goulburn and we have been working closely with him ever since along with Australian potato growers and the Dutch potato breeding company Agrico, to bring Carisma, Australia’s first low GI potato to your table. It’s versatile and full of flavour with a creamy taste, and ‘melt in the mouth’ texture. And it has a GI of 55 cooked the way we describe below.

Carisma is currently only grown in Australia (sorry rest of world) in the Riverland in South Australia, the Lockyer Valley in Queensland and in various regions in Western Australia. You can read all about it here. It’s exclusive to Coles supermarkets and is on sale throughout Australia, with the exception of Tasmania (for the moment).

Carisma potatoes

Cooking with Carisma Here’s our quick and easy ‘no-peel’ cooking method that will allow you to enjoy Carisma potatoes the low GI way. Wash the potatoes and cut into 1 cm thick slices or chop into 1cm dice leaving the skin on and cook them your preferred way until firm but cooked through (al dente). When we tested their GI, we boiled them, placing them into hot (not boiling) water, then bringing the water to the boil and cooking them for about 4 minutes until al dente. But it’s fine to steam or microwave them if you prefer.

Because Carisma are a versatile, general purpose potato, you can use them to make potato bake, home-baked wedges, roast potatoes, jacket potatoes, mashed potatoes or in your favourite potato recipes. Just be aware that the GI value may not be quite as low. And of course keep an eye on portion size if you are watching your BGLs. As Alan Barclay said in GI News back in July, a serve providing 15g carbs is one medium potato (around 125g).

Here are Nicole Senior’s tips for serving spuds: ‘One of the things I love about the potato, apart from the gorgeous taste and texture, is how simple they are to prepare. I simply wash, cut and microwave on high until tender, and lightly dress with some extra virgin olive oil, dried rosemary and black pepper. Use whatever healthy oils, herbs and spices you like for an instant accompaniment to lean meat, chicken or fish and steamed greens. And a good tip: always cook more than you need because cooled and reheated potato contains a beneficial kind of dietary fibre called resistant starch that keeps your bowel healthy. That’s what I call potato magic.’

Low GI Diet author wins Australian Food Media Award

Dr Joanna McMillan Price

Dr Joanna McMillan Price

Dr Joanna McMillan Price, one of the regular contributors to GI News over the years, has won the Australian Food Media Award ‘Best Health or Specific Diet Book’ for her recently published Inner Health Outer Beauty. The biennial awards held in October are a flagship event of the Australian Association of Food Professionals. ‘I wrote this book,’ said Joanna talking to GI News, ‘to try and inspire busy women to find ways that work for them to supercharge their health and look their glowing best. ’

‘I really appreciate the importance and pleasure of good food in my life – a lesson I learned from my Mum. I want to share this message and encourage women to stop thinking about nutrition and to think about the food. We women are so controlled in so many areas of our lives (or at least we try to be) that we allow our obsession with nutrition and weight to skew our view of what a healthy meal is. To me, the lines between fat-rich, carb-rich and protein-rich are not immutable. I think that the most important factor on your plate is the middle line, ensuring you fill half your plate with veggies and/or fruit. The remaining half can be more flexible depending on what you are having, your likes and dislikes, where you are and what you’ll have (or have already eaten) for other meals during the day. For example, if you have just finished a pretty tough cardio workout, you’ll probably want a few extra carbs to restock your body’s stores. Or you may feel better on a higher protein diet with fewer grain foods. Or perhaps you had a largish steak when you were out for lunch and feel like a lighter vegetarian supper. All these options are fine.’

Inner Health Outer Beauty
is available from leading bookstores in Australia or you can order a copy HERE.

Get the Scoop on Nutrition with Emma Stirling

The scoop on bubbly and beyond for silly season survival

Emma Stirling

Emma Stirling APD

Want the scoop on how can you let your hair down and sneak in a few more celebrations? Here are a few tried and true tips from party people who don’t want to pile on the pounds.

Bubbles of trouble The ‘spirit’ of Christmas can be a real trap so try to moderate your alcohol intake. Go for the increasing range of lower calorie bubbly, beer and now wine brands. Remember that low carb beers do not automatically equal lower kilojoule and light beers are often the better choice. Space your alcohol with diet soft drinks or sparkling water and include low-joule or no-joule mixers like soda water. And go easy on the pre-mixes and cocktails. Even mocktails and those labeled ‘skinny’, can be high in calories thanks to that cream and fruit juice.

  • # Scoop 1: Stretch one standard champagne into two by adding a dash of pureed peach with a splash of soda.
Party plan If the invites are stacking up like presents under the tree, aim to eat a healthy dinner or bowl of salad before you party. Or go for smaller portions, lighter snacks and lunches on the day of a big night out, to compensate for the extra calories in canapés. It only takes a few high-fat pastry items and deep-fried morsels to tip the balance towards weight gain. Stick to lighter options like freshly shucked oysters, vegetable crudités with hummus dip, rice paper rolls with Asian dressing, sushi and fresh asparagus with a citrus vinaigrette.

  • # Scoop 2: Focus on the dancing and mingling, well away from the waiters, and if it’s a local party, clock up some additional activity and stroll home.
Bountiful buffets Family and neighborhood get-togethers too often turn into eat feasts because everyone likes to chip in and bring a dessert, creamy dip or signature dish. So there is usually way too much food, not to mention a fridge groaning with leftovers the next day or longer. It’s a good idea to try and co-ordinate the menu by delegating or negotiating particular items with your guests be it family, neighbours or friends. Limit the choices and go for gourmet goodies with emphasis on quality over quantity. You may like to treat your guests to seafood with beautiful salmon or tuna fillets or cater for one choice steak per person. You don’t need the whole mixed grill. Finish off with a huge platter of fresh fruit with just a sprinkle and twinkle of Christmas candy or chocolate.

  • # Scoop3: Stock up on takeaway tubs and share the leftovers around
Emma Stirling is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and health writer with over ten years experience writing for major publications. She is editor of The Scoop on Nutrition – a blog by expert dietitians. Check it out for hot news bites.

From EEF - Howard Carters note online

Howard Carter's notes made in preparation of the final publication of the tomb of Tutankhamun can now be seen on the website of the Griffith Institute. Go to http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/2.html

Jaromir Malek
Editor of the Topographical Bibliography and Keeper of the Archive

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna's website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is photosbysergio.com.


Canoli cream dip

This is a healthful twist to the much-loved Sicilian dessert that surfaces on southern Italian holiday tables especially at this time of year. It will be part of my Christmas menu this year. For a truly exquisite treat for your palate look for the freshest ricotta and the best quality dark chocolate you can find. And definitely opt for the orange flower water if you can find it. This may be found in gourmet or specialty food shops. Makes 10 (approx. ¼ cup) servings.

Canoli cream dip

15 oz (2 cups) part skim ricotta

½ cup confectioner’s sugar

¼ cup non-fat milk

1 teaspoon orange flower water or vanilla extract

2 oz (1/4 cup) toasted pistachio nuts, chopped

1 oz dark chocolate, chopped

Combine in a blender the first four ingredients (ricotta through vanilla) and process for 50–60 seconds until very smooth.

Fold in the nuts and chocolate.

Serve immediately as a dip with freshly sliced apples or pears or biscotti or refrigerate in a covered container.


  • Candied citron and orange may replace the nuts and chocolate.
  • Instead of dipping sliced fruit into the cannoli cream, ripe pears may be halved vertically and cored; placing a mound of the cream on top.

Per serving

Energy: 575kJ/ 137 cals; Protein 6g; Fat 8g (includes 3g saturated fat and 18mg cholesterol); Available carbs 10g; Fibre 1g

Cut back on the food bills and enjoy fresh-tasting, easily prepared, seasonal, satisfying and delicious low or moderate GI meals that don’t compromise on quality and flavour one little bit with Money Saving Meals author Diane Temple. For more recipes check out the Money Saving Meals website.

Homemade hommus

Dips and crackers are an easy thing to serve when people drop in – or to take along to a neighbourhood party as your contribution. People seem very impressed when you say you made it yourself and double impressed when you tell them you cooked the chickpeas from scratch. Being somewhat lazy, I usually use canned chickpeas, but when I was making hommus with the children as part of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program at Bondi Public School we used dried chickpeas of course. I can’t believe how nice they were especially with a bay leaf and garlic thrown into the water whilst cooking. There are other benefits too – you can prepare more and freeze them for the next batch of dip for the next party.

1½ cups home-cooked chickpeas or 400g (14oz) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

1 clove garlic, chopped roughly

3 tablespoon lemon juice

3 tablespoons light flavoured olive oil

¼ teaspoon ground cumin

Freshly ground black pepper and salt (if you wish), to season

Crudités, to serve (or pita crisps as shown below)

Homemade hommus

Place 1½ cups cooked chickpeas or the drained can of chickpeas, lemon juice and garlic into the bowl of a food processor. Whiz until very finely chopped, (stop the processor occasionally and scrape down the sides), add oil and process again until creamy.

Spoon into a serving dish and mix in cumin and season with freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of salt if using.

To cook chickpeas, cover them with water and leave to soak overnight in a bowl. Drain and put in a medium saucepan with 1 clove garlic peeled and smashed garlic, 1 bay leaf and 3 peppercorns (count the peppercorns so you remember to take them all out!). Cover with water and bring to the boil, then simmer for 35 minutes or until they are tender (check the water levels and top-up if necessary). Drain and leave to cool.

Per serving (30g or 1 oz)

Energy:260kJ/62 cals; Protein 1g; Fat 5g (includes less than 1g saturated fat and zero cholesterol); Available carbs 3g; Fibre 1g

Throw another prawn on the barbie

We chose Miguel Maestre's recipe for ‘Garlic Prawns’ for our December issue as Australians love to celebrate summer and the festive season with regular trips to the fish market so we can happily ‘throw another prawn (shrimp) on the barbie’. Miguel is owner/chef of El Toro Loco, a lively tapas bar right on Sydney Harbour at Manly and has charmed viewers as host of Miguel’s Tropical Kitchen on LifestyleFood and in Channel 10’s Boys’ Weekend, where he hits the road with friends for adventure, good times and great food. He now brings the same energy and passion to his first book, Miguel’s Tapas (New Holland), with a mixture of his own recipes and signature Spanish tapas. He tells us the secret of success with Garlic Prawns is to use the freshest possible prawns, extra virgin olive oil and to keep it simple. Serves 1

2–3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (about 50ml)

4 large raw king prawns (shrimps), peeled and deveined (tails intact)

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

½ bunch parsley, leaves finely chopped

lemon wedges and a slice of sourdough (or your favourite low GI) bread

Garlic Prawns

  • Heat the oil in a small cast iron or clay dish. Add prawns and cook for about 3 minutes until just cooked (they turn orange when cooked through). Stir in the garlic and parsley.
  • Eat the prawns while still sizzling with a good squeeze of lemon juice. Dip the bread in the oil which has been beautifully infused with the flavours of prawns, garlic and parsley.
Per serving (without bread)

Well this is a recipe that ‘What if it’s all been a big fat lie?’ and Good Calories, Bad Calories author Gary Taubes would love. Virtually no carbs, and heaps of fat. Don’t have a panic attack. The fat is pretty much all coming from the extra virgin oil but as you can see it does add up to lots of calories. If you don’t feel comfortable tucking into this recipe as is, you have options: try making it with less oil, don’t dip the bread in the oil or share the prawns.

Energy: 2036kJ/486 cals; Protein 17g; Fat 46g (includes 6g saturated fat and 119mg cholesterol); Available carbs 1g; Fibre 2g

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is worse for your health than sucrose (table or cane sugar).


Nicole Senior

Fact: HFCS is just another sugar with the same health effects as sucrose. We should be limiting all added sugars to achieve a healthy diet.

In the nutrition world there is always a ‘bad’ food of the moment and right now it is high-fructose corn syrup or HFCS. A preliminary WWW search reveals a litany of dire health consequences from scare-mongering sites including an increased risk of weight gain, diabetes and liver damage. Is there just cause to worry?

HFCS made from American corn is the most commonly used sugar in processed food and drinks in the USA, whereas in Australia it is sucrose or cane sugar (from sugar cane). We use Australian grown cane sugar in our sugar jars at home too, but in the USA beet sugar (from sugar-beets) is the more common household form of sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide, meaning it is composed of equal amounts of two monosaccharide (single sugars) stuck together: glucose and fructose. HFCS is made by adding enzymes to corn-starch to convert the starch into its composite monosaccharide sugars glucose and fructose. Honey is also composed of a combination of glucose and fructose monosaccharides. The term HFCS is a misnomer because it doesn’t actually contain high fructose levels. The name comes from the fact that pure corn syrup contains no fructose at all, but treatment with enzymes allows varying proportions of fructose to be obtained. The most common HFCS are 55% and 42% fructose (the remainder being glucose). Sucrose is digested to 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Incidentally, 100% pure fructose has been available for years as an alternative sweetener under various brand names.

What is the GI? Glucose has the highest GI of all the sugars and fructose has the lowest, and this is the reason sucrose (a blend of glucose and fructose) has a moderate GI. Although the GI of HFCS is not available, Professor Jennie Brand Miller from GI News says there is no reason to expect it to be any different to sucrose.

Why is it used? HFCS is widely used because US agricultural policy favours corn farmers and makes imported sugar more expensive. Food manufacturers like it because it is economical, it is liquid and easy to mix, and adds good texture and sweetness to a wide range of foods.

Is it harmful? Digestion of HFCS, cane sugar, beet sugar and honey all yield similar amounts of glucose and fructose during digestion. There is no reason to expect HFCS to have unique effects on health for this reason. Like all simple sugars, these are absorbed by the small intestine: glucose can be used for energy throughout the body whereas fructose is transported to the liver for conversion to metabolic energy. Many of the studies with adverse findings are from pure fructose feeding in animals, and cannot be separated from overfeeding with any sugar, or overfeeding in general. It seems over-eating and getting fat is bad for our metabolic health but it is not due to a specific effect of HFCS.

  • A recent review published in Nutrition Metabolism concludes that “moderate fructose consumption of no more than 50g/day or around 10% of energy has no deleterious effect on lipid and glucose control and of no more than 100g/day does not influence body weight. No fully relevant data account for a direct link between moderate dietary fructose intake and health risk markers”.
  • The American Medical Association calls for more research but says it is unlikely that HFCS contributes to obesity anymore than sucrose.
  • The Huffington Post quoted Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest saying sugar and high fructose corn syrup are nutritionally the same, and there's no evidence that the sweetener is any worse for the body than sugar.
  • Even Michael Pollan in his book Food Rules says “high fructose corn syrup is no worse for you than sugar” but then says to avoid it anyway because foods made with it are highly processed.
A recent study published in the journal Obesity found US sodas (soft drinks) made with HFCS were higher in fructose than expected- on average 59% and up to 65%, which is much higher than sucrose: perhaps another reason to give these drinks a miss if you are living in the USA.

While HFCS may not have the best reputation, its adverse health effects are exaggerated. We should regard HFCS as we do other added sugars and enjoy them in moderation within a healthy balanced diet.

Nicole Senior MSc (Nut&Diet) BSc (Nut) is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist. For more information on heart-friendly eating and fabulous recipes low in saturated fat and high on flavour check out Nicole’s books Eat to beat Cholesterol and Heart Food HERE.

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay


Dr Alan Barclay

Maintain weight loss with a low GI Diet and a little more protein

The Diogenes Study, which was set up to investigate whether people who have undergone recent major weight loss could maintain that lower weight, has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine . The researchers led by Professor Arne Astrup at the University of Copenhagen conclude that: ‘A modest increase in protein content and a modest reduction in the glycemic index led to an improvement in study completion and maintenance of weight loss.’

In this collaborative project from 8 countries in the European Union (Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, Greece (Crete), Germany, Spain, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, 938 adults took part in an 8-week, low-calorie weight-loss diet to achieve a weight loss of 8% of their original starting weight (for most participants this was about 11 kg or 24 pounds.) Those successful in meeting this target were then given the opportunity to take part in the 6-month ‘preventing weight gain’ stage of the study.

The researchers then randomly assigned 773 adults to one of five diets for a 26-week intervention period. These were not calorie controlled diets – those taking part could eat as much food as they liked from their assigned diet group. Participants were on average 41 years old and were all parents. Their families, although not part of the trial, were assigned to the same diets. All five diets were designed to have a moderate fat content (25–30% of total energy). The diets were:

  • Group 1: Low protein (13% energy consumed), low GI
  • Group 2: Low protein, high GI
  • Group 3: High protein (25% energy consumed), low GI
  • Group 4: High protein, high GI
  • Group 5: Control diet which followed current dietary guidelines without special instructions regarding GI levels
A total of 548 adults (71%) completed the 26-week diet trial period. Fewer people in the high-protein, low GI groups dropped out than in the low-protein, high-GI-group (26.4% and 25.6% respectively, compared to 37.4%). The researchers found that both low GI diets and high-protein diets were equally effective in preventing weight regain. But they also found that participants in Group 3 which combined both low GI and high-protein strategies continued to lose weight over the 26 weeks of the study – see graph.

Change in body weight in Diogenes study

Note that although described as ‘high protein’, the 25% protein in the Diogenes study is less than Atkins and Zone diets (30%) and the CSIRO Total Wellbeing diet (33%). The GI of the high GI diets achieved by the participants was around 60 (pretty typical for developed nations) and the ‘low GI’ diets around 55 (not that low, but a step in the right direction).

New GI Symbol

For more information about the GI Symbol Program

Dr Alan W Barclay, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Glycemic Index Foundation (Ltd)

Phone: +61 (0)2 9785 1037

Mob: +61 (0)416 111 046

Fax: +61 (0)2 9785 1037

Email: alan@gisymbol.com

Website: www.gisymbol.com

GI Update

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions


Some people tell me that watermelon sends blood glucose levels soaring, but others say that’s wrong. What’s the real deal?

The real deal is that a normal serving of watermelon won’t have much effect on blood glucose levels. Those who’ve got it wrong are taking the high GI value of watermelon in isolation. It’s important to consider the amount of available carbohydrate in a typical serving as well as the GI value. Watermelons and other melons such as rockmelon (cantaloupe) are high GI foods, but are relatively ‘dilute’ sources of carbohydrate. In fact they only have about 5% available carbohydrate, which makes their glycemic load or GL per serving very low. A low GL means minimal impact on your BGLs. Both melons in moderate servings are an excellent snack and quite thirst quenching too. Here’s how the numbers add up:

  • Watermelon has a GI 78, but a wedge without skin (about 200g) contains 6g available carbs and will have a GL of 6
  • Rockmelon/cantaloupe has a GI of 88, but a cup of diced pieces without skin (about 200g) contains 7g available carbs and will have a GL of 8
Katja’s weight loss success story

‘I purchased your book The G.I Factor – the Glucose Revolution Revised 2nd Edition about 4 years ago. I never read it and had it sitting on my bookshelf for all those years until about a month ago. I had tried many methods of losing weight with complicated recipes and even tried the Tony Ferguson for one month and piled it all back on with twice more. I started reading your book and it all started to make sense why my body was not responding to all those gimmicks.

I started to make a few of the dishes and really enjoy them (especially the Swiss muesli for breakfast) and have since about a month ago really started to plan my meals a great deal more. On Sunday afternoons I have a big cook where I make at least two dishes to have during the week. The meals are all simple and delicious and even my family are starting to enjoy them.

I have also purchased the The New Glucose Revolution – LifePlan and again enjoy the recipes at the back especially the Mediteranean Lasagna. Big thumbs up from my family. I saw my GP today and he is very happy with my weight loss which has now been 6 kilos. I have more energy, go to the gym at least 4–5 times per week and enjoy the variety of classes at the gym.

A lot of staff at work have also commented on my weight loss and want to know my secret. I have shown them your books and I’m hoping to inspire all of them to take up the GI way of eating. I have another 15 kilos to go but with the right tools (recipes) determination, support from my family, friends and residents and staff at work I’m sure I will get there.

I have diabetes on my mother’s side of the family and had gestational diabetes with my second son so I’m a prime candidate for diabetes. I’m a Community Speaker for Cancer Council and one of my presentations is about the risk factors of cancer and touches on obesity and promotes the waist measurement campaign. So I’m determined to be a living success story and hope to inspire lots of people around me.’

New GI values from Fiona Atkinson at SUGiRS for breakfast and snack foods

Carman’s breakfast cereals and bars

(Serving sizes here are as per product label.)

  • Traditional Australian Oats (made with water) – GI60 (available carbs 28g per serve, GL17)
  • Deluxe Fruit Muesli – GI51 (available carbs 19g per serve, GL10)
  • Yoghurt, Apricot & Almond Bar – GI44 (available carbs 18g per serve, GL8)
  • Dark Chocolate, Cranberry & Almond Bar – GI53 (available carbs 19g per serve, GL10)
  • Apricot & Almond Muesli Bar – GI51 (available carbs 23g per serve, GL12)
Pauls Good to GO smoothies

  • Mixed Berry – GI30 (available carbs 32g per 1 cup /250ml serve, GL10)
  • Mango Passionfruit – GI25 (available carbs 32g per 1 cup/250ml serve, GL8)
  • Strawberry – GI30 (available carbs 32g per 1 cup/250ml serve, GL10)
  • Tropical – GI25 (available carbs 32g per 1 cup/250ml serve, GL8)

Pauls Good to GO smoothies

GI testing by an accredited laboratory

North America

Dr Alexandra Jenkins

Glycemic Index Laboratories

20 Victoria Street, Suite 300

Toronto, Ontario M5C 298 Canada

Phone +1 416 861 0506

Email info@gilabs.com

Web www.gilabs.com


Fiona Atkinson


Research Manager, Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service (SUGiRS)

Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences

Sydney University

NSW 2006 Australia

Phone + 61 2 9351 6018

Fax: + 61 2 9351 6022

Email sugirs@mmb.usyd.edu.au

Web www.glycemicindex.com

See The New Glucose Revolution on YouTube

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Tennessee Supreme Court Halts Executions for 4 death row Inmates

The Tennessee Supreme Court today issued an order staying the execution of Stephen Michael West scheduled for Nov. 30 to allow the trial court to test the constitutionality of the state’s new lethal injection procedure.

Pending the resolution of this issue, the Court has also stayed the scheduled executions for Billy Ray Irick, Edmund Zagorski and Edward Jerome Harbison.

On Nov. 22, West and Irick filed motions requesting the Tennessee Supreme Court postpone their executions after a Davidson County Chancery Court ruled the state's lethal injection procedure to be unconstitutional. After a 2-day evidentiary hearing, the trial court ruled the state's current procedure did not offer a safeguard to ensure the prisoner was unconscious before the final 2 drugs are administered.

In the State's response, filed Nov. 24, they argued that a stay of execution should not be granted as it had changed its execution procedure to include a test to confirm that the inmate is unconscious before the administration of the final 2 drugs. After considering the motions filed by both parties, the Supreme Court denied West and Irick's motions to postpone their scheduled executions.

West filed a motion to reconsider on Friday arguing that he was not afforded the opportunity to respond to the State's new execution procedure. The Supreme Court has granted West's motion to reconsider to allow the constitutionality of the new procedure to be fully tested in trial court.

The Supreme Court has directed the trial court to allow the parties to submit argument or evidence on the revised protocol, and the trial Court must render its final judgment within 90 days. The executions of West, Irick, Zagorski and Harbison are stayed pending any appeal of the trial court's judgment and until the State files motions to reset the execution dates of each prisoner.

Source: WDEF News, November 29, 2010

Tennessee Supreme Court Delays Execution For West

The Tennessee Supreme Court has issued an order staying the execution of Stephen Michael West to allow the trial court to test the constitutionality of the state's new lethal injection procedure.

The Supreme Court issued the stay on Monday. West had been moved to death watch and was scheduled to die by lethal injection at 10 p.m. on Tuesday.

A 2-day evidentiary hearing in Davidson County Chancery Court found the state's lethal injection procedure to be unconstitutional because it did not ensure the prisoner was unconscious before the final 2 drugs are administered. The hearing was brought after West and another death row inmate, Billy Ray Irick, filed motions to stay their executions.

The state filed a response 2 days later that a stay of execution should not be granted as it had changed its execution procedure to include a test to confirm that the inmate is unconscious before the administration of the final 2 drugs. After considering the motions filed by both parties, the Supreme Court denied West and Irick's motions to postpone their scheduled executions.

On Friday, West filed a motion to reconsider arguing that he was not afforded the opportunity to respond to the State's new execution procedure. The Supreme Court has granted West's motion to reconsider to allow the constitutionality of the new procedure to be fully tested in trial court.

The Supreme Court has directed the trial court to allow the parties to submit argument or evidence on the revised protocol, and the trial Court must render its final judgment within 90 days.

The executions of West, Irick, Edmund Zagorski and Edward Jerome Harbison are stayed pending any appeal of the trial court's judgment and until the State files motions to reset the execution dates of each prisoner.

West was convicted in the 1986 stabbing deaths of Wanda Romines and her 15-year-old daughter, Sheila Romines, in Union County.

In 2001, he was hours away from death when a judge granted him a stay so he could pursue federal appeals, which he has since completed. Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen declined to intervene when West's attorneys asked for clemency.

Source: newschannel 5, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Epilepsy Controlled with a Low-Carb Diet

My husband found this article in the NY Times.  It is truly amazing that the little boy, Sam, who had about 130 seizures a day has gained significant control over his epilepsy through an extreme high fat (90%) low-carb diet supplemented with vitamins and magnesium and calcium.  His parents have to be cruel to be kind when it comes to denying the child tempting high-carb, sugary goodies that any young child is often faced with.  It is very difficult for Sam and sometimes the food fights end in a tantrum and tears.

Laura Dolsen told this fascinating, miracle story with regards to finding the same article in the NY Times:

"About 17 or so years ago on an Internet parenting group I was part of, there was a mom who's baby daughter had a terrible illness called Infantile Spasms, which caused dozens of seizures per day. She was told that her daughter would almost inevitably become seriously brain-damaged. After trying many standard treatments, the mom delved into the research and came across a crazy diet called the Ketogenic Diet, which is very high in fat, low in carbs, and lowish in protein. Their pediatrician warned her not to do it and many thought she was nuts, or in denial and grasping at straws. But this mom persisted, convincing a neurologist to give it a try.

It worked. The seizures stopped. Her daughter grew into a happy, healthy child with no signs of brain damage. Obviously, this made a huge impression on me!"

Here is an excerpt that summarizes the diet and its effect on epilepsy:

"But when it comes to keto’s impact on pediatric seizures, there is wide acceptance. There are about two dozen backward-looking analyses of patient data suggesting keto works, and, more significant, two randomized, controlled studies published in 2008. One of the trials, by researchers at University College London, found that 38 percent of patients on the diet had their seizure frequency reduced more than 50 percent and that 7 percent had their seizure frequency reduced more than 90 percent.
Those numbers may look low, but they’re not. These were patients for whom antiepileptic drugs had already failed. For children with certain kinds of drug-resistant seizures, Thiele’s clinical data show an even better response: 7 out of 10 were able to reduce their count more than 90 percent with the diet. Those statistics are as good as those for any antiepileptic drug ever made. Other pediatric neurologists get similar results. The diet has cut Sam’s seizures by 75 percent."

Interesting BBC Videos of how the ATKINS DIET came about

Check out part one
(You'll hear how Dr. Atkins himself stumbled upon the diet)

And part two and part three if you have the stamina!

For the really adventurous part four and part five.

Download A Night With A Vampire

Download David reading A Night With A Vampire!

1. Dead Persons In Hungry
David Tennant reads Antoine Calmet's accounts of real Vampires, gathered from people across Europe who believed they had seen the creatures with their own eyes.

2. The Family Of The Vordalak
Gorcha sets off on a mysterious mission but tells his family not to accept him if he should return after 10 days - for then he will be a vampire. Read by David Tennant.

3. The Horla
Guy de Maupassant's striking psychological tale enters the world of the Vampire and how it corrupts and destroys the brain. Read by David Tennant.

4. Luella Miller
Luella Miller seems incapable of helping herself. But everyone who comes to her aid soon ails and dies in their efforts. Read by David Tennant.

5. Clarimonde
In this true struggle between good and evil, heaven and hell, Theophile Gautier creates a whirlwind world of sensuality, seduction and rampant vampirism. Read by David Tennant.

Thanks to Lora Colver.

Ginny's Yummy One Minute English Muffin

Ginny has made a video of how to make her One Minute English Muffin based on my One Minute Bread, the Next Minute Toast.  It is the second recipe in the video. This morning I made it for my husband and he really liked it.  For myself, I'll skip the coconut oil and use a little melted butter instead.  I'm not wild about the taste of coconut oil, but it is ever so good for one.  It raises the metabolism and helps with Candida and weight loss.

I must admit I found myself having microwave egg muffin gadget thingie envy watching this video.  What a neat gadget!

Have a look at Ginny's great videos and blog.  She is also a talented singer.

P.S.  For those who don't have time to watch the video, here are the ingredients:

1 tsp coconut oil, melted (I use a light-tasting olive oil sometimes)
1 egg
1 tbsp water
1 1/2 tbsp almond meal (here I may use a leftover bake mix ratehr)
1 tbsp golden flax meal
1/2 tbsp parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp Splenda (does not actually sweeten but helps the flavor)

Whisk all ingredients real well in a cereal bowl and nuke about 1 minute and 30 seconds. Remove by loosening edges and slice in half.  Best to toast the muffin.

Traditional bullock-powered coconut oil mill. ...Image via Wikipedia

Traditional bullock-powered coconut mill.  Dried coconuts are crushed and coconut oil is pressed out.
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Single Father Out Now

Single Father is out on DVD today! Not only does it have all four fabulous episodes of this stunning drama, but it also includes a speacial 'Making Of' feature!
Click here to order it from our online store for just £12.91!

Afghan 'police officer' kills six Nato troops

Six Nato troops in Afghanistan were shot dead during a training work out today by a man wearing a border police uniform, the alliance said.

The happening took place in eastern Afghanistan where the majority of distant forces are from the US. There are no British troops in the region. It is the worst happening involving foreign troops in more than a month.

"An individual in an Afghan edge police uniform turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Forces throughout a training mission today, killing six service members in eastern Afghanistan," the Nato-led force said in a declaration. It said the gunman was then killed in an exchange of shots with other troops.

The gunfire occurred in Pachir Wagam district of eastern Nangarhar province, an Afghan administrator told the linked Press.

Full story

Download How Roald Dahl Shaped Pop

Download David narrating Radio 2's How Roald Dahl Shaped Pop here.

On the twentieth anniversary of Roald Dahl's death, David Tennant tells a new tale of the unexpected - the stamp he's left on the world of pop.Kate Nash reveals how Dahl's fantastical children's books have influenced her own storytelling style, stirring her to invent surreal characters and magical places in songs like Mariella and Little Red.Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics explains how he found inspiration for songs such as I Stopped To Fill My Car Up in Dahl's grisly, suspenseful short stories.Plus, David reveals how a song about Willy Wonka gave a Rat Pack legend his only U.S. number one.
Thanks to Lora Colver

US loses leverage in climate talks

A year gone President Barack Obama worked in my opinion to salvage the Copenhagen climate summit, a political shift vegetation the United States with far less power while China moves ahead.

US negotiators in the UN-led talks in Cancun, Mexico, face the tough task of persuade China and other emerging economy to agree to a binding treaty with no offering any concession that could face a backlash in Washington.

Obama's Democratic Party suffered a callous election defeat on November 2 to the Republican Party, which has vowed to go up against a nationwide plan to limit carbon emissions blamed for global warming.

"The United States has the power of any major country but its ability to promise much more is somewhat limited by the marital situation," said Alden Meyer, manager of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Full story

David Filming In Tynemouth

David has been filming for United in the North East recently. The following story was in the Sunday Sun:
METRO passengers thought it was a Tardis they’d stepped into and not a train when former time lord David Tennant was spotted at a North station.
The Scottish star appeared in full 1950s garb alongside Sunderland-born star Melanie Hill and some nostalgic props as part of a film shoot in Tynemouth, North Tyneside.
The coastal spot doubled as a set for the day as part of a new BBC dramatisation of the 1958 Munich air crash.

The pair were on Tyneside for his latest role as one of the talented Manchester United team which became the youngest side to win the league, only for the squad to be ripped apart when eight were killed in the disaster.
Called ‘United’, the drama aims to bring to life the tragic event which virtually wiped out manager Sir Matt Busby’s team, nicknamed Busby’s Babes, and the battle to overcome the devastation.
Despite the film being about a team from Manchester, the BBC announced earlier this month that filming would take place in the North East.
Surprised passengers and TV fans
coming out of Tynemouth station were stunned to see cameras pinpointed on David, wrapped in a 1950s style camel coat, and stood beside an old-fashioned car.
IT engineer Barry Ward, from Sunderland, was among the starstruck onlookers.
The 27-year-old said: “I asked a security man and was told they were filming the return of Bobby Charlton but I could only see David and a female actor. They got off a train, came out the station and were then getting into the car and I could hear David’s broad Scottish accent.
“I know he’s from Scotland anyway but when you heard him speak he had a very exaggerated accent.
“There were quite a lot of amused faces when people came out and saw Doctor Who was in town.”
David, who recently starred in BBC1 drama Single Father, will play coach Jimmy Murphy, who wasn’t involved in the fatal crash but helped to piece together the team as Busby recovered from his injuries.
A key figure in the film is Ashington-born Bobby Charlton, played by Jack O’Connell, who was among the youngest of the Babes in the crash.
The BBC said it had chosen to film in the region because it was more suited to the authentic period locations, plus the production has been part-funded by the region’s screen agency Northern Film and Media.
Bringing the drama to the North has been as a major coup for culture in the region.
Director of BBC North Peter Salmon said: “This was a tragedy that touched the lives of many people in Manchester both directly and indirectly.
“With its superbly talented cast and powerful script I am proud that BBC North is supporting this project.”
United is due to be shown on a BBC channel next year.

South Korea cancels Yeonpyeong island drills

South Korea has cancelled plans to carry out a live-fire weaponry drill on the island North Korea bombard last week.

Seoul had deployed multiple rocket launchers and long-range howitzers on Yeonpyeong after last week's guns exchange, and population on the tiny island were warned earlier today to take sanctuary tomorrow morning.

Excluding South Korean military officials said later that plans to fire weaponry rounds into waters south-west of Yeonpyeong had been cancelled.

The military gave no reason for the annulment.

Full story

Iranian nuclear scientist killed, another injured in Tehran bombings

A well-known Iranian nuclear scientist was killed Monday and a second was gravely wounded in nearly concurrent car bomb attacks in the Iranian capital, the semiofficial Fars news agency report.

The explosion, which took place near Shahid Beheshti University, are the latest in a string of recent murder attempts in which five doctors and professor have been killed in Tehran.

Iranian establishment blamed agents of Israel and the United States for the killings, saying they want to cause chaos in the country. But leading figures in Iran's resistance movement accused the government of intrigues the attacks in order to increase fear in the capital, where many oppose the regime of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Full story