Thursday, October 31, 2013

Causes of high methane levels over Arctic Ocean

Methane levels in the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean are very high, as illustrated by the image below, by Leonid Yurganov, showing IASI methane readings for October 11-20, 2013.

Previous posts have discussed these high levels of methane, pointing at links between high methane levels over Arctic Ocean and earthquakes and volcanic activity.

Malcolm Light points at another factor that is contributing to the high methane levels observed over the Arctic Ocean in October 2013.

Malcolm says: The massive methane release in the Arctic this October is partly because the Gulf Stream waters got massive heating in the Atlantic off the North American coast in July. It takes the Gulf Stream currents almost 4 months to reach the emission sites along the southern side and end of the Eurasian Basin. This combined with the earthquake activity along the Gakkel Ridge and deep pyroclastic eruptions is escalating the rate of methane release by destabilizing the submarine Arctic methane hydrates at increasing rates.

The NOAA image below shows temperature anomalies for July 2013. NOAA adds that in July 2013 many regions were much warmer than average, with part of the northeastern Atlantic off the coast of North America observing record warmth.

The image below shows how water traveling along the Gulf Stream ends up in the Arctic Ocean. Water in the Gulf Stream travels at 4 miles per hour, but slows down to less than 1 mile per hour in the North-Atlantic Current. This means that water warmed up off Florida in July will start reaching waters beyond Svalbard in October.

The image below, from Malcolm Light's September 2012 post Further Confirmation of a Probable Arctic Sea Ice Loss by Late 2015, shows how warm water flows into the Arctic Ocean and warms up methane hydrates and free gas held in sediments under the Arctic Ocean.
 The image below shows the methane readings over the past few days on the Northern Hemisphere.

Ehab Gaddis gets his OBE

Ehab Gaddis is awarded the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth by Mr. James Watt the British Ambassador with Tarek Saad the Governor of Luxor . Ehab is the Honorary British Consul in Luxor

Σεισμός 6,6 Ρίχτερ

Σεισμός 6,6 Ρίχτερ στη Χιλή
Σεισμός 6,6 Ρίχτερ στη Χιλή
Σεισμική δόνηση εντάσεως 6,6 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ σημειώθηκε πριν από λίγα λεπτά στη θαλάσσια περιοχή της Χιλής.
Σύμφωνα με μέτρηση του Αμερικανικού Σεισμολογικού Ινστιτούτου, ο σεισμός σημειώθηκε στη 01:03 (ώρα Ελλάδας) και είχε ένταση 6,6 Ρίχτερ.
Το επίκεντρο του σεισμού εντοπίστηκε 56 χιλιόμετρα νοτιοανατολικά της πόλης Κοκουίμπο και 363 χιλιόμετρα βόρεια-βορειοδυτικά του Σαντιάγο. Το εστιακό βάθος μετρήθηκε στα 10 έως11 χιλιόμετρα.

«Πράσινο φως» για έργα στη Σκιάθο

Αφορούν ασφαλτοστρώσεις, αναπλάσεις, βελτιώσεις υποδομών, αντικαταστάσεις δικτύων…
«Πράσινο φως» δόθηκε στην εκκίνηση σημαντικών έργων στη Σκιάθο, μετά τις ομόφωνες αποφάσεις που πήραν οι δημοτικοί σύμβουλοι, στην τακτική συνεδρίαση του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 29 Οκτωβρίου, έπειτα από εισήγηση του Δημάρχου Σκιάθου κ. Νικολάου Κυρ. Πλωμαρίτη.

Τα έργα
Τα έργα που μπαίνουν σε «τροχιά» υλοποίησης, είναι τα εξής:
α) η αποκατάσταση του κτιρίου του Ζήση Οικονόμου στην οδό Ουρανίτσης στη Σκιάθο και η μετατροπή του σε εκθεσιακό χώρο
β) βελτίωση οδοστρώματος οδού στην περιοχή Τρούλος από την Επαρχιακή Οδό έως τον Χ.Υ.Τ.Α.
γ) ανάπλαση Κοινοχρήστων Χώρων Πλατείας και Παιδικής Χαράς Αγ. Τριάδας Δήμου Σκιάθου
δ) βελτίωση Κτιριακών Υποδομών και Αύλειου Χώρου Παιδικού Σταθμού Δήμου Σκιάθου
Η παρούσα Δημοτική Αρχή της Σκιάθου, τονίζει ότι σε επόμενο Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο θα παρθούν οι αποφάσεις αποδοχής των μελετών για τα εξής επίσης σπουδαία έργα στο νησί:
1)Βελτίωση και στέγαση του παλαιού γηπέδου μπάσκετ στο χώρο του Δημοτικού Σταδίου Σκιάθου
2)Βελτίωση οδοστρώματος στην περιοχή «Ξάνεμος» (Από Αεροδρόμιο έως παραλία Ξανέμου)
3) Αντικατάσταση εσωτερικού δικτύου ύδρευσης στην πόλη της Σκιάθου
4) Αντικατάσταση δικτύου αποχέτευσης στην περιοχή «Κουκουναριών».
Επίσης, έχει ήδη εγκατασταθεί ο εργολάβος που κατασκευάζει το έργο «διασύνδεση υδρευτικών γεωτρήσεων με τη δεξαμενή νερού στον Άγιο Φανούριο» και το νερό από γεώτρηση στον Άγιο Αντώνη, θα ρέει στις βρύσες των σπιτιών της Σκιάθου μετά από δεκαετίες, καθαρό και εύγεστο.

Food for thought...

"I don't see capital punishment as a peripheral issue about some criminals at the edge of society that people want to execute. I see the death penalty connected to the three deepest wounds of our society: racism, poverty, and violence."

- Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J., Would Jesus Pull the Switch? (Click here to read the full article by Sister Helen Prejean.)

Malaysia: 2 Iranian women on death row to face 'due process'

The government's insistence that 2 Iranian women sentenced to death for drug trafficking must face due process could anger Tehran.

Malaysia insisted Wednesday 2 Iranian women sentenced to death for drug trafficking must face "due process" despite a warning from Tehran that their executions would harm bilateral relations.

Shahrzad Mansour, 31, and Neda Mostafaei, 26, were sentenced to death in September for smuggling methamphetamine into Malaysia in December 2010. Defence lawyers are appealing the case.

The 2 Muslim nations both use the death penalty against drug traffickers.

But Iran's foreign ministry warned last week that executing the women would have a "negative effect" on bilateral ties, and called for them to be spared.

In a statement sent to AFP, Malaysia's Foreign Ministry said that while it valued relations with Iran it could not tolerate "illegal activities, which are detrimental to Malaysia's image and security".

"Any infringement of the laws, whether committed by foreigners or Malaysian citizens, will be dealt with in accordance with Malaysian laws," it said.

"Malaysia assures Iran of the independence of the judiciary system ... It is in this context that we hope for Iran to understand that any decision of our courts is carried out in accordance to the due processes of law," it added.

More than 200 Iranians are jailed in Malaysia, mostly for drug-related offenses, the statement said.

About 1/2 of the 200 have been convicted, with 70 either serving a life sentence or on death row, it added.

The 2 women were arrested on arrival at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The court was told that drug traffickers had promised them a free trip to Malaysia in exchange for transporting "food items" that were filled with methamphetamine without their knowledge.

The Malaysian judge in the case dismissed that defense as a "fairy tale".

Though hundreds of people are on death row in Malaysia, the country has carried out few executions in recent years.

Iran has one of the world's highest execution rates, with more than 500 cases last year and almost the same number so far this year, according to human rights watchdogs.

Malaysia is a predominantly Sunni Muslim country while Iran is predominantly Shia.

Source: Agence France-Presse, October 30, 2013

Mass Executions Continue in Iran: At Least 17 Executed According to Unofficial Sources

Iran Human Rights, October 30: One prisoner was hanged in the prison of Semnan (Northern Iran) according to the Iranian state media. Meanwhile unofficial sources have reported 16 other executions in three other prisons.

Iran Human Rights (IHR) has received unconfirmed reports on mass-execution of a "not yet confirmed" number of prisoners in Adelabad Prison of Shiraz (southern Iran) today, Wednesday October 30. IHR is currently investigating these reports.

Execution of an Afghan citizen in Semnan:

One Afghan citizen identified as "M. S." was hanged in the prison of Semnan today, reported the state run Iranian news agency Fars. The prisoner was convicted of possession and trafficking of 997 grams of crack said the report.

Eleven prisoners among them two women hanged in Urmia:

According to the unofficial Kurdish "Mukrian news agency" eleven prisoners were hanged in the prison of Urmia (northwestern Iran) today. Six of the prisoners who were of Kurdish ethnicity and convicted of drug related charges are identified as: Kamel Saeidi, Kamel Habibi, Zaki Khani, Mohammad Gorji, Mosayeb Sadati, Vali Mohammadzadeh.

Another prisoner, identified as Yadollah Mahmoudi, was convicted of murder. In addition, four other prisoners including two women were also executed in the prison of Urmia today. No further information is revealed about these prisoners in the report.

At least three prisoners hanged in the Adelabad Prison of Shiraz:

According to the news website "Kurdpa" (unofficial) three prisoners were hanged in the Adelabad Prison of Shiraz today. One of the prisoners is identified as "Rahim Rashidi", of Kurdish ethnicity, while the two other prisoners are not identified by name. All the three prisoners were convicted of drug related charges, said the report.

One woman and one man executed in the Rajai Shahr Prison of Karaj:

According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) a woman identified as "Mitra Shahnavazi" and a man identified as "Rahbar" were hanged in the Rajai Shahr Prison of Karaj (west of Tehran) today. Both the prisoners were convicted of murder said the report.

According to official and unofficial reports at least 39 prisoners have been executed in different Iranian prisons in the last five days.

Source: Iran Human Rights, October 30, 2013

Why Support For The Death Penalty In America Is Plunging

A Gallup poll found this week that support for the death penalty in America is the lowest it's been in 40 years and has dropped sharply since its peak at 80% in 1994.

These days, roughly 60% of Americans support the death penalty for convicted killers, the lowest level of support since 1972 when 57% of people were in favor.

We spoke to death penalty expert Douglas Berman, who attributed the drop in support to three big factors: high-profile exonerations of death row inmates; the disappearance of "tough on crime" attitudes popular in the '80s and '90s; and the successful repeal of the death penalty in a number of U.S. states.

"Really over the last decade there has been a growing awareness of mistakes in the context of death row prosecutions and exonerations that tend to be very high-profile," said Berman, a law professor at The Ohio State University and founder of the Sentencing and Law Policy blog.

A total of 142 death row prisoners in America have been exonerated, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. These exonerees sometimes become outspoken opponents of the death penalty and can be very compelling in swaying public opinion.

The public is also less enamored of "tough on crime" policies than it used to, partly because America has gotten much safer in the past 20 years. Michael Dukakis, the Democratic presidential candidate in 1988, was a vocal opponent of the death penalty and famously got hammered for being "soft on crime."

These days, Berman said, "Crime is much less salient of a political issue."

There's also little evidence that the death penalty does anything to deter crime anyway. Currently 18 states have banned capital punishment. "There's not a lot of evidence that crime spikes up dramatically" when a state stops executing people, Berman said. (In fact, the region with the most executions - the South - is also the most violent part of the country.)

Anti-death penalty advocates in states that have banned the death penalty have also successfully highlighted problems with capial punishment, such as high costs and the difficulty in administering it fairly. These arguments have been particularly successful at swaying independent voters, Berman noted.

It may be surprising then that liberal California rejected an attempt to repeal the death penalty last year. The loss for death penalty opponents came even as people in the state grew concerned about the costs of capital punishment, the Associated Press noted.

"It remains the case that, even in a blue state," Berman said, "there is still this general support for the death penalty at least on the books as kind of a symbolism of being tough on the worst offenders."

Source: Business Insider, October 30, 2013

European Union Financing Efforts to End Death Penalty in U.S.; Giving millions of dollars in grants to American nonprofits

The European Union is financing efforts to abolish the death penalty in the United States through millions of dollars in grants to American nonprofits, EU records show.

The EU's European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has disbursed grants worth millions of dollars to a host of U.S.-based groups for campaigns aimed at ending or eroding support for capital punishment.

Experts say the expenditures raise concerns about the influence of foreign governments on American policy.

The EU is flatly opposed to capital punishment. "Its abolition is a key objective for the union's human rights policy," the union's website states.

EIDHR doles out millions of euros each year to groups that oppose the death penalty.

Those grants are "aimed at promoting the restrictive use of, the establishment of a moratorium on, and the abolition of the death penalty."

EIDHR gave 495,000 euros to Equal Justice USA in fiscal year 2012 for a project called "Breaking Barriers: Engaging New Voices to Abolish the Death Penalty in the United States."

EJUSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, meaning its work must focus on education, rather than advocacy. But a EU description of the Breaking Barriers program says one of its purposes is to "advocate for abolition."

Shari Silberstein, EJUSA's executive director, said the group acts within all applicable legal constraints, including the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).

FARA requires groups to file disclosures with the Justice Department if it conducts advocacy work on behalf of a foreign government.

"We determined with our attorneys that it did not apply to us," Silberstein explained in an email. "EJUSA does engage in some lobbying (as allowed within our legal limits), but no EU funds are used for those activities."

The roughly $680,000 the group received from the EIDHR made up a large portion of its revenue. According to EJUSA's website, its fiscal year 2012 budget was "just over $1 million."

Silberstein said her group received the EIDHR grant for "public education and outreach activities" involving "the creation and dissemination of public education materials, media, conference attendance, and networking."

Luke Coffey, a Margaret Thatcher fellow at the Heritage Foundation, balked at the EU's campaign, saying decisions about the death penalty are made at the state - not federal or international - level.

"The EU is a very undemocratic organization which is suffering from very low popularity right now," Coffey said. "They have bigger problems to worry about."

The EU has given out more than 3.5 million euros ($4.8 million) since 2009 to 7 groups for efforts to combat the death penalty in the United States.

Other recipient organizations include the American Bar Association's Fund for Justice and Education and the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Both are also 501(c)(3) groups.

While support for capital punishment has declined in recent years, a Gallup poll released this week shows that a large majority of Americans continue to support the practice.

Source: Washington Free Beacon, October 30, 2013


Μη Μιλάς

Doctor Who Magazine Digital Edition Is Launched

Doctor Who Magazine is now available to buy worldwide in digital form through an iTunes app. New editions along with a number of back issues can be purchased through the app which is compatible with both iPhone and iPad. The magazine will, of course, continue to exist in its paper form as well. 

The magazine's editor Tom Spilsbury told Doctor Who Online "We're delighted to bring DWM to a digital audience. The magazine continues to grow its sales, so this will help us expand our audience further.
Fear not, though, if you prefer to read the physical magazine - this is designed to complement the physical version, not to replace it. We're sure that the digital version of DWM will help readers all over the world keep up to date with the latest adventures of the Doctor. 
We're hoping to put up a year's worth of back issues in the first instance. If it proves popular, we may go back further.”

Click here to download the app - check your regional store for prices and subscription deals

Doctor Who Magazine
Doctor Who Magazine is the official BBC-licenced magazine devoted to the award winning television show. Catering for a mature, sophisticated readership, as well as appealing to younger fans of the show the magazine is consistently first with exclusives. From the first published interviews with stars like Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston, to photoshoots with Kylie Minogue! Every issue is packed with features including an exclusive column by the showrunner, Steven Moffat, reviews of episodes old and new, competitions for DVDs, CD and books, the latest official news on upcoming episodes and a 12-page full colour comic strip in every issue.

Διακομιδή ασθενών από το Λιμενικό από το λιμάνι της Σκοπέλου στο λιμάνι του Βόλου,

  Με μέριμνα του Κέντρου Επιχειρήσεων του Λιμενικού Σώματος – Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής πραγματοποιήθηκαν σήμερα, οι παρακάτω διακομιδές ασθενών, οι οποίοι έχρηζαν άμεσης νοσοκομειακής περίθαλψης:
• 64χρονου, από το λιμάνι της Σκοπέλου στο λιμάνι του Βόλου, με το Ε/Γ-Τ/Ρ «ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΤΡΙΑ ΙΙ» Ν.Σ. 4


Γιατί απολύθηκε ο δημοσιογράφος Νίκος Μπογιόπουλος από το Ριζοσπάστη; Πληροφορίες από δω κι από κει αναφέρει το ρεπορτάζ, μιας και ούτε η Κεντρική Επιτροπή -που φέρεται να αποφάσισε την απομάκρυνσή του από το κομματικό όργανο-, ούτε η διεύθυνση της εφημερίδας, ούτε και ο ίδιος έχουν μιλήσει ακόμα επισήμως. Ούτε έχουν διαψεύσει πάντως τόσο ο απολυθείς, όσο και οι απολύσαντες τη σχετική είδηση που μεταδίδεται από όλα τα έντυπα και ηλεκτρονικά μέσα. Που σημαίνει ότι όντως ο γνωστός δημοσιογράφος δεν ανήκει πλέον στην "οικογένεια" του Ριζοσπάστη.
Κυκλοφορεί η εκδοχή ότι ο Μπογιόπουλος αρνήθηκε να υπογράψει την ατομική σύμβαση η οποία περιόριζε το μισθό του στα όρια του κομματικού μισθού, αποποιούμενος όμως ταυτόχρονα οποιασδήποτε αμοιβής. Κάτι δηλαδή σαν: Δεν υπογράφω αυτό που ζητάτε, αλλά θα δουλεύω για το κόμμα δωρεάν. Αν όντως έτσι συνέβη τότε θα έχει μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον τι θα πει επ' αυτού το κόμμα. Όπως επίσης θα έχει ενδιαφέρον να εξηγηθεί για ποιο λόγο ασχολήθηκε με την απομάκρυνση Μπογιόπουλου από το Ριζοσπάστη η Κεντρική Επιτροπή, παρακάμπτοντας τη διεύθυνση της εφημερίδας.
Όπως και να έχουν τα πράγματα -και ουδέν κρυπτόν υπό τον ήλιον, γρήγορα θα γίνουν όλα γνωστά- η ουσία είναι μία: Η πολεμική στο Μπογιόπουλο, η κατάργηση της στήλης του από το Ρίζο και τελικώς η απομάκρυνσή του από την εφημερίδα, έχουν να κάνουν με τις απόψεις του. Απόψεις, να θυμίσουμε, νόμιμα διατυπωμένες, με βάση το καταστατικό του κόμματος, στον επίσημο προσυνεδριακό διάλογο. Οι οποίες λίγο πολύ εγκαλούσαν την καθοδήγηση για σεχταριστική γραμμή και πρότειναν μια ευρύτερη αντίληψη για τις συμμαχίες και την ενότητα. Και στις οποίες -καλό είναι να θυμηθούμε- έσπευσαν να απαντήσουν με ομοβροντία πολεμικών άρθρων γνωστά κομματικά στελέχη.

Ήταν φανερό από τότε ότι η αντιμετώπιση Μπογιόπουλου αποτελούσε ένα κεφάλαιο στο χρονικό του προδιαγεγραμμένου εξοστρακισμού του. Και μάλλον δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει αμφιβολία για το τέλος του χρονικού: Άλλος ένας κομμουνιστής, που βοήθησε ουκ ολίγο το κόμμα του, θα φαγωθεί από αυτό. Και δεν φταίει δυστυχώς κάποια βάσκανος μοίρα για το γεγονός ότι το ΚΚΕ τρώει τα παιδιά του και ακρωτηριάζει τον εαυτό του: Φταίει η παραδοσιακή ανθρωποφάγα νοοτροπία η οποία προφανώς ζει και βασιλεύει ακόμα στον Περισσό...

Happy Hallowe'en: The Doctor And The Witch

It wouldn't be Hallowe'en without a visit from your friendly neighbourhood witch - in this case a member of the ancient alien race, the Carrionites.

In a scene from The Shakespeare Code, the Doctor has a painful encounter with Lilith.

David Tennant Meets English Literature Students At The RSC

A group of A-Level English Literature students from Birmingham had an extra bonus to their school trip to see Richard II last week when they got to take part in a Q&A session with the play's star, David Tennant.

The students were greeted on arrival by Owen Horsley, the assistant director. After the performance, David Tennant came to meet them and to answer their questions about the play. 

Olly Macnamee, the team leader for English and Media at Small Heath School, said: 'It was a memorable night and one I know they will remember for years to come. The RSC couldn't have been more accommodating.'

The trip was enabled by the corporate support of Birmingham Airport through the RSC's Credits for the Community scheme, which met the cost of the tickets. Andy Holding, community affairs manager at Birmingham Airportsaid: 'We were delighted with the way the RSC looked after the students, from the pre-performance brief to the having them on stage afterwards. And, of course, the excitement of getting to meet the man himself. What a treat!'

Richard II is in residence at The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon until 16th November 2013. It transfers to the Barbican in London on 9th December where it plays until 25th January 2014.
 Both runs are currently sold out but returns may be available: call the RSC on 0844 800 1110 to check availability
The production will be filmed on November 13th and broadcast into cinemas across the UK and worldwide. More information can be found on the RSC Onscreen site. The recorded play will also be released on DVD.

Photos by Olly Macnamee

Happy Hallowe'en: Hamlet Meets His Father's Ghost

Another eerie clip for Hallowe'en.

From the 2009 film of Hamlet: The Prince (David Tennant) meets the spirit of his murdered father (Patrick Stewart).

Happy Hallowe'en: The Doctor's Eight-Legged Foe

Happy Spook Day!

Here's the latest in our series of clips with the most tenuous of links to Hallowe'en.

At the climax to The Runaway Bride  the Doctor gives us the answer to that burning question: What exactly do you do if you discover a huge spider in your secret underground lair? Wash it down the plughole, of course!

The Escape Artist - Press Review Round Up

The first episode of David Tennant's new BBC One thriller, The Escape Artist, premiered on Tuesday night.
The show was a ratings hit with 5 million viewers tuning in and twitter swamped with comments as the tense drama unfolded.
The press reaction has also been good and we've collected a selection of reviews of the episode for you to catch up on:

Christopher Stevens of The Daily Mail gave the episode an impressive 4 stars out of 5 saying:
"The sheer quality of acting drew us into a superior legal thriller that got creepier and creepier until it threatened to spill over into gothic melodrama."

Ed Potton In The Times gave the show 3 stars: 
"There was an enjoyable inevitability to the opening episode of this thriller by David Wolstencroft, the creator of Spooks. We just knew that Will Burton (David Tennant) would see his shiny life — hot-shot career as a defence barrister, cheeky wife (Ashley Jensen from Extras), apple-cheeked son — crumble like a flapjack in a hurricane. It all came via that trusty plot device for a legal drama, defending someone who patently did it."

Sam Wollastan of The Guardian writes:
"Tennant comes into his own, no longer smug and unbearable but bereaved and haunted. Even his eyes suck you quietly into his sorrow. He is a properly good actor, no?
And we're into a taut, pacy, chilling – really chilling – thriller not just about what goes on in the courtroom, but about how that affects the lives of people outside. I'm both excited and dreading the rest."

"I’m not going to ruin it for those still to see this on iPlayer, but can safely say that Tennant proved once again why it’s Hollywood’s loss and our gain that he hasn’t yet converted his telly success into an LA pile. Or perhaps he’s just a natural small screen actor."

The Escape Artist continues on Tuesday at 9pm on BBC One.

Μ. Χρυσοβελώνη: Να παραιτηθεί τώρα ο Άδωνις Γεωργιάδης! Δεν έχει καμία επίγνωση της κατάστασης στην υγεία.

Την παραίτηση του Υπουργού Υγείας ζητά με δήλωσή της μετά τα τραγικά γεγονότα στη Ζαγορά Πηλίου, όπου την 28η Οκτωβρίου ο αγροτοσυνεταιριστής Διονύσης Βαλασσάς περίμενε με σοβαρότατο πρόβλημα υγείας περίπου τέσσερις ώρες ασθενοφόρο του ΕΚΑΒ για να διακομισθεί στο Νοσοκομείο του Βόλου, αφού οδηγός ασθενοφόρου στο Κέντρο Υγείας της περιοχής δεν υπήρχε, με αποτέλεσμα να χάσει την ζωή του. ’’
Στη Μαγνησία θρηνούμε θύματα λόγω των οξύτατων προβλημάτων που υπάρχουν στις διακομιδές βαριά ασθενών, τα οποία είχα επισημάνει εμφαντικά την Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου με επίκαιρη ερώτησή μου προς τον κύριο Υπουργό Υγείας. Όμως ο κ. Γεωργιάδης αντί να ενσκύψει  στην ουσία του προβλήματος και να αντιληφθεί την σοβαρότητα της κατάστασης που εγκυμονούσε και εγκυμονεί μεγάλους κινδύνους ακόμη και για ζωές συμπολιτών μας, με αλαζονεία και έπαρση που περίσσευαν επανέλαβε την γνωστή επωδό του οτι όλα βαίνουν καλώς στις διακομιδές των ασθενών. Δεν δίστασε μάλιστα να προβεί και σε ανεπίτρεπτους και παντελώς ανυπόστατους υπαινιγμούς σε βάρος μου, που καταδεικνύουν πλήρη έλλειψη κοινοβουλευτικού ήθους. Λίγες μέρες μετά τα γεγονότα τον διαψεύδουν με τον πιο τραγικό τρόπο. Το ασθενοφόρο  έφτασε στη Ζαγορά με μοιραία καθυστέρηση, διασώστης στο όχημα δεν υπήρχε ενώ το ιατρικό προσωπικό που υπήρχε στο εκεί Κέντρο Υγείας ήταν ανεπαρκές. Ο κ. Γεωργιάδης είναι σαφές ότι όχι μόνο δεν έχει επίγνωση της κατάστασης στο χώρο της υγείας αλλά δεν έχει και καμία διάθεση ως όφειλε από την θέση του Υπουργού να ακούσει και να ασχοληθεί με τα πραγματικά και μεγάλα προβλήματα που ταλανίζουν τον χώρο αυτό. Μετά από αυτά, ο μόνος έντιμος δρόμος γι αυτόν είναι η παραίτηση !’’ δήλωσε η Μαρίνα Χρυσοβελώνη.

Το μεσημέρι της Κυριακής στο παλιό Λιμάνι Σκοπέλου 3:00 μ.μ.

Click Me!
Εκδήλωση για την έκλειψη Ηλίου
Το μεσημέρι της Κυριακής στο παλιό  Λιμάνι Σκοπέλου  3:00 μ.μ.
Από την εταιρίας αστρονομίας και διαστήματος Βόλου
Το μεσημέρι της Κυριακής 3 Νοεμβρίου θα έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να παρατηρήσουμε και από την Ελλάδα μια έκλειψη ηλίου. Στην Ελλάδα η έκλειψη θα είναι ορατή ως μερική έκλειψη με μικρή κάλυψη του ηλιακού δίσκου από τη Σελήνη. Συγκεκριμένα στην Σκόπελο  η έκλειψη θα διαρκέσει περίπου από τις 15:06 έως τις 16:00.
Κυριακή 3/11 στις 3 το μεσημέρι εκδήλωση για να παρατηρήσουμε μαζί την ηλιακή έκλειψη από το παλιό λιμάνι Σκοπέλου. Θα υπάρχουν ειδικά τηλεσκόπια με ασφαλή ηλιακά φίλτρα. Παρά τη μικρή κάλυψη του ηλιακού δίσκου (10%), η έκλειψη αξίζει να παρατηρηθεί καθώς δε θα υπάρξει άλλη ευκαιρία για ενάμιση ακόμα χρόνο. Σας προτείνουμε να μην αργήσετε να προσέλθετε καθώς η έκλειψη θα διαρκέσει λιγότερο από μια ώρα!
Μεγάλη προσοχή πρέπει να δοθεί να μην παρατηρηθεί η έκλειψη χωρίς τη χρήση ειδικών φίλτρων ακόμα και αν απλά κοιτάζετε με τα μάτια σας. Υπάρχει κίνδυνος σοβαρής βλάβης στην υγεία των οφθαλμών.
Οι εκδηλώσεις είναι ανοιχτές και ελεύθερες  για όλο το κοινό.
Υπεύθυνος εκδήλωσης  ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛ
Μέλος της εταιρίας αστρονομίας και διαστήματος Βόλου

Happy Hallowe'en: David Tennant In Fright Night "Don't Expect Me To Join Your Scooby Gang"

Happy Hallowe'en!

To keep the scare level up on the spookiest of days, here's a clip of David Tennant as Peter Vincent in the 2011 film Fright Night

Whether you're out trick or treating, partying or just snuggling up at home with a scary movie, have fun tonight.

Fan Reaction: The Escape Artist Episode 1

On 29th October the first episode of The Escape Artist aired on BBC One.

We asked fans on our Twitter and Facebook pages what they thought of the drama, thanks to all of you who replied, we loved reading all your thoughts and don't forget to join the chat over on our Facebook fan page here.

About the episode:

Will Burton, a talented junior barrister of peerless intellect and winning charm, specialises in spiriting people out of tight legal corners, hence his nickname - The Escape Artist.
Much to the aggravation of his courtroom rival, Maggie Gardner, Will is in high demand, as he has never lost a case.
But when Will’s talents acquit Liam Foyle, who is standing trial for an horrific and high-profile murder, that courtroom brilliance comes back to bite him. Foyle walks free, but he is a serial killer. It’s only a matter of time until he finds his next victim.
And, sure enough, he kills again.

Here's a selection of some of your comments:
  • Estelle Eves Brilliant, but don't ever want to be on my own again!!!!
  • Danni Casey Brilliant! Loved it, on edge of my seat
  • Gaynor Morris David lives up to his previous brilliance - casting first class. Edge of the seat stuff - well done
  • Rachael Courtney Terrifying! Couldn't watch it properly, had to half look through my glasses.....can't wait to see what happens next!
  • Kirsty Birch Brilliant!!! Another broadchurch me thinks!
  • Helen MacGourlay Scary stuff....totally gripping. Cant wait for next one!
  • Vivien Berkó Brutal. Scary. But brilliant.
  • Kerry Whiteside Scared me to death. Just heared the floorboards creek upstairs and I jumped!
  • Morag Towndrow Fabulous. Utterly brilliant piece of work. The man knows how to tap into the humanity of every character he plays and the more complex the character the more the genius shows. Breathtaking even allowing for the bias of an addicted fan!
  • Rachel Shearer That was so well acted and written. Feeling a bit jumpy now just going to check all the doors n windows are locked  brilliant
  • Louise Lawrence Loved it, just the right suspense and drama. Can't wait for next week but not sure I'm gonna watch it alone. Well done looks like it's going to be an on-the-edge-of-my-seat stuff
  • Lynne Willcock British drama at its best! Acting impeccable, writing top notch. What more can you ask.
  • Ben Pike Really good! Awesome acting, addicting plot and some scary scenes that made my nan flitch haha 
    New David Tennant to watch! 
  • Toni Paczkowski Dark, gripping and skin crawlingly brilliant! Cannot wait for next week....
  • Chrissie Allen Excellent drama, the element of surprise, great acting, brilliantly cast. Looking forward to next episode!
  • Sandie Capanni I was gripped from the off. My stomach tightened as the tension rose. I experienced all the emotions intended by the writers, crew and cast. Amazing!
  • Emily Jones I think my status pretty much sums it up: 'Every time I see David Tennant in something, I am astounded by his sheer talent all over again.' Shocking, moving, and thoroughly gripping. Can't wait until next week!
  • Calum MacLean Amazing first episode, loved the growing tension leading up to the end, cannot wait for the following episodes!
  • Claire England What an awesome pairing David and Toby....exceptionally intense!
  • Cheska Aniella Lotherington Great acting by David, seriously gripping. Can't wait for next week.
  • Shyneece-Christine Kerr Very gripping, had me on the edge of the sofa. When you think its heading in one direction it heads in the other! its amazing how David's character will now change because of these circumstances and I'm now desperate to find out how he acts to the man he once defended!
  • Brenda Parkes It was brilliant but I couldn't sit on the sofa by the end. Was pacing the floor wanting to run away but couldn't. Can't cope with that kind of stuff!
  • Lisa Topping I'm totally freaked out after watching but will have to see the rest of it now-brilliant acting all round!!
  • Kay Douglas Gripping, shocking, made me literally scream out loud. Lights all on now and scared to go upstairs by myself!
  • Kathrin Seifert It was so scary and sad at the end. Couldn´t look away or even blink from fear to miss something.
  • Eva Scarthia Oakenfork It was definitey breathtaking! I can't wait to see the next episode. David is awesome as usual, and the plot has lot to offer (as the preview indicated). Hope it'll keep up with the high standard it set with this opening instalment.
  • Cate Beavis Brilliant. DT is an amazing actor, never fails to make you feel the emotions of his character. Also, as a law student, it's always interesting to see how the professions (solicitor and barrister) are portrayed - positively in this case. 
    Well done DT and cast, looking forward to next week.
  • Debbie Calver It's great to watch drama that makes you think, great storyline and great acting, well done everyone x
  • Zach Barrett I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    The acting was highly above the standards of the average drama released these days.
    I enjoyed the soundtrack too. Though nothing too memorable, it added great emphasis to the tension between scenes.
    Also; the script. Just wow. It was good.
  • Jennifer Smith Real edge of the seat thriller, very well written & fabulously acted. Think I went through every emotion & that's just in the first episode!
  • Thomas Wyatt cant wait for next episode just got to get the hole familey watching from the start so they dont ask what has happend
  • Giliana P. García Acevedo It was brilliant. I like the way it looks at justice -- the way the premise of it is 'everyone deserves a defence.' However, Will still thinks his client is guilty -- and he is -- but he's never cherry-picked and he's never given anything less than 100% to preparing his clients' defence. THAT is ethics. On another note, the last 10-15 minutes of it were not only thrilling and truly horrifying, but they leave you hooked because you wonder if what happened at the end will compromise and twist his morality in some way in the next episode. And we know David Tennant can pull those subtleties off like no one else. Can't wait till next Tuesday!
  • Paul Meagher Brilliantly defined characters as Stephen King once noted if your not emotional involved with the characters the horror doesn't work- great believable scripting and powerful performances from Dave and the girl from extras in particular - we cared that's why it worked
  • Matt Dowling really unnerving, had that old school 70's horror feel.Would have been easy for David Tennants character to come across as an arsehole but really didn't, good (trully awful) stuff 
  • Kirsten Lambdin One of the best and most suspenseful dramas I've seen in quite some time. David Tennant is in top form here, as well as is the rest of the cast. The direction built the tension until this episodes climax which, while it doesn't completely come from out of left field, still is a shocker. Definitely looking forward to upcoming episodes!
  • Sam Anthony Brilliant. Disturbing. Absorbing. Scary. Superb acting....cannot wait until next week....
  • Rose Reed By far the best of the year can't wait to see the rest of it.Well done to everyone involved
  • Jennifer Hood For me, it was emotional, creepy and thrilling! Cannot wait to find out what happens next week! The actor who plays Liam Foylel is brilliant!
  • Laura Turner Terrifying! Love it! Can't wait until next week! The relationship between David's character and the Liam foyle character is fantastic !!
  • Jo Crumplin Another great and gripping drama, Mr Tennant does it again. Was I the only one screaming at the screen "no, don't get out of the car" when Kate drove up to the cottage.
  • Michelle Teasdale Brilliant and shocking, so sad too, I'm totally hooked.
  • Alex Dudley Im still recovering 0_o
  • Chris Mawbey Fantastic episode. Throughly enjoyed it. Well and truly lives up to it's genre of 'thriller'. Certainly going to watch Episode 2!
  • Nikki Nabney Hide behind the cushion suspense, scary, sad but an amazing first episode!!
  • Leanne WIlliams Was hoping for sweet dreams of David Tennant now I'm going to have nightmares as i'm scared to look out of the window! Another great BBC Drama for David Tennant!
  • Ginger Crawford A clever, nail-biting and truly gripping piece. Tennant's character and his family are human, naive, and the killer is grittily cold-blooded. Like Broadchurch, this is must-see TV!
  • Wendie Hazell absolutely brilliant!! thats true horror as it could happen....! cant wait for next episode!!
  • Heather Stewart mind blowing performance from the whole cast, had me on the edge of my seat. Really can't wait for the next episode one of the best shows on tv at the moment!
  • Shannon McCamley Fantastic performance once again by David Tennant. Gripping storyline from the very beginning with unexpected twists. Cant wait until the next episode, totally hooked.
  • Maureen Hollowood Brilliant is the word...Brilliant acting, brilliant writing, brilliant locations ... can't wait for next week, this is what the BBC do best
  • Helen Lawson The Midas touch continues...his character loses no cases and Mr Tennant is brilliant in every production. Excellent.
  • Will Kent Agree with everyone saying it was gripping and tense. Such good drama from David, Ashley Jensen and Sophie Okonedo. Shocking end. Will have to watch next week's episode with more preparation of the shocks and thrills in store.
  • Beccy Dunnill Could not take my eyes off the screen. Loved it! David is an amazing actor and perfect for the show. My new favourite show! 
  • Em Wiggy Wiggle Wiggins Words can't describe this. Absolutely brilliant. Makes you think of the dilemma our barristers and legal counsels face doing their jobs. David Tennant was fab as always
  • Claire Clartybell Anderson Big round of applause to David wolstencroft for his fab story,what a imagination!!!! .....and what a cast great acting all around ....once again great British drama !!
  • Alannah Watson amazingly acted by all, a attention grabbing and tension building, cannot wait till the next. I was just gripped by it, I haven't experienced that in a long time. I was screaming for the last 15 minuets!
  • Lindsey Unsworth What a fantastic episode, full of everything you should expect from a drama, thrills, suspense, wanting to hide behind cushions etc!!!!! Can't wait for the next episode, bit gutted there are only three of them!!!!!
  • Susan Harvey Dark. Thrilling. Foyle's character psychopathic and sinister. Will's character blinded by ambition who paid a big price. Clever script and well acted. Brilliant.
  • Claire Walmsley It was incredible, completely dark and gripping, it really makes me want to watch more and see if the murderer gets away with it and I also want to congratulate David's acting, he's so good at drama!!

The Escape Artist continues with Episode 2 on Tuesday 5th November at 9pm on BBC One.