- Prof Jennie Brand-Miller dispels 8 myths about sugars and starches;
- Smart carbs for smarter kids? Dr Alan Barclay reports;
- Brown foods are better than white. Nicole Senior investigates;
- What does 'eat mostly wholegrain cereals' mean?
- Slowly digested carbs reduce inflammation associated with chronic disease;
- Brief, high-intensity workouts reduce BGLs;
- The scoop on barley with Emma Stirling;
- Three low GI recipes to try.
Busting Food Myths has been one of our most popular features. We like this column too, and like to explore the myths, check the evidence, sort fact from fiction and set the record straight so people become a bit more relaxed about food and eating. Sadly, we never run out of myths. Because we are always coming across stories telling people they just need to eat brown foods not white to lower the GI of their diet, we asked dietitian Nicole Senior to pull out her plucky pen and investigate the myth that white foods have no nutritional value. She also reminds us there’s a more serious side to food myths in Food for Thought, while Prof Jennie Brand-Miller dispels eight popular myths about sugars and starches in GI Update.
Our apologies to subscribers who received 'unsubscribe' emails. It was a glitch in our system and we are working hard to ensure it NEVER happens again.
Good eating, good health and good reading.
Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web management and design: Alan Barclay, PhD
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