Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas, Smiley - Some Photos of Smiley and His Present (Clearly Smiley is a low-carber)

Any doubts as to whether a doggie is a carnivore?  Just look at Smiley finding his ham bone under the Christmas tree!  He has spent many an hour sleeping next to or under the tree since finding the ham bone there. I imagine he is dreaming of another ham bone.  We are leaving the tree up at least until January the 11th, which is the day we adopted Smiley and it is the day we called his birthday.  He will find another ham bone under the tree for his birthday.  I think we will make this tradition every year as he loves it so much.

Smiley discovers the packet with his ham bone present.

Dog with head in packet - important mission to retrieve ham bone! You can see my eldest son's (27) laptop on the table.  On the other side was another for youngest son (24).  They were visiting over Christmas and we had a wonderful, quiet family Christmas for a change.  Just lovely!

Finally - Smiley takes his ham bone into the living room.

 This is how Smiley looked for the next while until he picked it clean.  He hardly lifted his head. lol

Smiley had made some inroads by now.  I left a lot of meat on the bone so it was literally a meal for little Smiley (or not so little - he has quite the appetite and each day it seems his life's mission is to make sure he gets to eat as much as possible!).

This year there was an extraordinary selection of hair trimming and beard trimming devices under the tree for my guys.  This was Ian's selection of those presents.  The funny thing is DH knew about his presents (as we often do. Haha.) and so he would often tease Smiley before Christmas that we would take a photo of Smiley finding the hair trimmers (since he has so much hair on his face, in his ears and everywhere) and DH finding the ham bone!  We didn't do that of course, but it was funny to hear DH talking to poor Smiley that way.

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