Friday, June 3, 2011

Project Vizier Amenhotep Huy Update

Updated website of the Spanish team of Franciso Martin Valentine and Teresa Bedman. In Spanish but google gives a translation. A recent lecture is reported.

"The third speaker of the evening was Dr. Martin Valentine IEAE director and head of the Spanish archaeological mission in Assasif. For more than an hour, following an educational and entertaining style, made a brief summary of what was the campaign of 2009 (the first), describing the way they proceeded with the opening of the tomb after the initial work of clearing and the first surprises that awaited the team, being perhaps the main, the large pillared hall that opened his eyes and the enormous challenge posed dig in its entirety.

After this preamble, shifted to the last campaign, during which the findings and surprises have multiplied: the discovery of many mummies, various religious objects, pottery, reliefs of extraordinary quality and even the face hitherto unpublished Ame-Hotep the vizier Huy, recipient of the tomb, are just some examples of how much he threw up the second season, that is, without doubt, a sneak preview of what is to come.

Excavation work, as noted by Professor Martin Valentine, are carried out by a multidisciplinary team involving archaeologists, Egyptologists, conservators, forensic specialists, architects, photographers ... and, of course, a large group of workers, some of where authentic seasoned experts in multiple excavations."

And there is lots of other information

Project Vizier Amenhotep Huy: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

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