Sunday, November 1, 2009

Brash admits Foreshore and Seabed law was a mistake

The man who brought you the " one law for all" and the Nationhood speech [PDF] that sparked a great deal of anger has has said that he believed National got it wrong when it opposed iwi being able to test their claim to ownership of the foreshore and seabed in court.

That inability for Maori to go to court was the injustice in the Foreshore and Seabed Act. Contrary to some opinions, Maori did not have ownership rights extinguished under the Act.

The 2004 Nationhood speech led to what Shane Jones describes as "inflammatory, divisive and extremely hurtful" debate around race relations and the foreshore and seabed legislation. The Foreshore and Seabed Act was written in response to a Court of Appeal case that suggested iwi able to prove continuous customary use of the foreshore and seabed might have a claim to freehold title.The act stopped Maori seeking title through the courts. even National screamed Maori Gain Control of the Beaches.

Now, it appears the Act will be scrapped.

Brash rejected the Treaty. Therefore, any person who rejects an important part of our constitution is never fit to be a leader of a major political party in New Zealand in this day and age, as they may end up leading the country.

It was a real mistake placing Don Brash fifth on the 2002 National party list to secure his entry into parliament.
So what next for the Foreshore and Seabed? Read Tim Watkin from Pundit. He has some good thoughts on this.

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