Sunday, January 11, 2009

NEW HELL HOLE NEWS #6 - December 22, 2008

Hey folks!

Back again. Before I start telling you this other stuff let me briefly revisit the squirrel issue from New Hell Hole News # 5. One of my friends told me that if he hadn’t known all the intimate particulars of that situation I’d have lost him in my recounting of it, so maybe I lost some of you out there, too. Y’all are probably a lil’ smarter, “But in an abundance of caution”, as judges say, “we’ll revisit the issue”.

Simply stated my point was, what are the astronomical chances that I’d read this Court of Criminals opinion on this insane crime and fellow, Thomas, then Fiero’s door won’t close, he gets moved, Squirrel (Thomas) moves in. I discover he’s very interested in the subjects of the fallen angels, templaric and religious history, Satan, etc. and it just happens to be the motivation for his crime. Then he decides to pull out his left eye and eat it on the very day I’d told him the story of Odin and Freyre? (Use this link to read the newspaper story: Exactly six (6) says after Mr. Wood checked out of existence on this mortal coil? As I say often enough, I live a charmed existence.

This place is starting to look like some macabre ongoing sculpture from hell So many bubbas have come and gone and each one wants to leave his welded mark on death row. I wish they’d let me conduct the tours thru here. I’d play the gothic music on an intercom system while I recount all the horrors I’ve witnessed here over the years and all the welded responses along with little interesting factoids like how much all this additional steel weighs en toto, what it cost. What the ridiculous intent or objective was when they put it up there versus what it actually ends up being. Now we got Tiny Tim talking about sealing up solid all the doors. That would make it a punitive cell configuration (i.e. solitary confinement) which violates U. S. Supreme Court precedents, TDCJ Policy, etc. in more ways that I have room to recount here. My cell is now sealed. I’m entombed alive here. But I’m level III so it’s permissible, for a short time………Tiny Tim is also the one who has welded these stupid skirts on the bottom of door and the skirts riveted on the crossover doors. The gap is there for a reason – to facilitate air flow equalization amongst the sections, even cooling and heat distribution and, to prevent rapid de-equalization resulting in sudden vacuum which causes the doors to suddenly slam with violent force. You cannot put dampeners on the doors because those arms on the hydraulic unit and the rods make lovely shanks. Now because of Tiny Tim, two ssi (support service inmates) have lost their fingers when these doors suddenly slammed shut on them and cut them off. The air flow in these buildings is now so out of whack and unequal that there are cold spots all over the sections, (or hot spots in summer) which lead to excessive humidification and rushing / flaking of metal in that area for example, the FD1 shower is so rusted it’s falling apart. It’s in a dead zone created by Tim’s skirts which burned up the exhaust fan in that shower (and many other exhaust fans and blowers all over the building.)

The other bad results of this are things like, when your neighbor takes a dump the awful smell comes right in your cell and lingers for an hour or so. The air pressure is so unequal, when you open a door to a pod, all the other doors in that pod automatically slam shut and the wind is so strong it’ll almost knock you down. So all of this fetid air, ripe from bad breath of some of the 84 fetid souls living I those cages, defecation, passing gas, germs, etc. just lingers here while we all endlessly re-breathe it as do the officers working in it 12 hours at a lick. The result of all this is that, every time it rains outside or gets humid the whole building’s floors and walls get so wet it looks like it’s crying into a pond……… I mean besides the ceiling leaking like a sieve when it rains. We have all sorts of interesting molds, fungi and bacterium culturing here and there. Health wise, it’s a death trap. Nearly all of us have serious respiratory issues because of this. I suspect many of us and particularly the officers, have some form of chronic malady or permanent damage to their respiratory, pulmonary and or nervous systems resulting from this. I’m kind of wondering why some enterprising young attorney hasn’t sued on behalf of the officers.

Click here to read this article in full on Hank Skinner's blog...

Source: Hank Skinner, January 10, 2009

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