Monday, March 10, 2008

New Study Reveals Maryland Pays $37 Million for One Execution

A new study released on March 6 found that Maryland taxpayers have paid at least $37.2 million for each of the state’s five executions since 1978 when the state reenacted the death penalty.

The study, prepared by the Urban Institute, estimates that the average cost to Maryland taxpayers for reaching a single death sentence is $3 million - $1.9 million more than the cost of a non-death penalty case.

The study examined 162 capital cases that were prosecuted between 1978 and 1999 and found that seeking the death penalty in those cases cost $186 million more than what those cases would have cost had the death penalty not been sought. At every phase of a case, according to the study, capital murder cases cost more than non-capital murder cases.

The 106 cases in which a death sentence was sought but not handed down in Maryland cost the state an additional $71 million. Those costs were incurred simply to seek the death penalty where the ultimate outcome was a life or long-term prison sentence.

Rick Abbruzzese, a spokesman for Gov. Martin O'Malley, noted , "This is a compelling argument against the death penalty - the enormous costs to the state's taxpayers." The costs report comes as Maryland lawmakers are debating whether to repeal the death penalty and holding hearings in Annapolis.

(“Death penalty costs Md. more than life term,” by Jennifer McMenamin, The Baltimore Sun, March 6, 2008).

Source: Death Penalty Information Center

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