Sunday, March 2, 2008

National supporters' strange coalition preferences

Polled National Party supporters are not thinking particularly hard about coalition preferences if the latest round of surveys is anything to go by. Nearly a third (30.2 percent) want a deal with NZ First. NZ First are unlikely to be in Parliament on current polling. More than a fifth (21.8 percent) want a deal with UnitedFuture - who is likely to have just one MP. Nearly a fifth 17.8 percent) want a deal with the Greens -and thats higher than those ( 11.4 percent) who want a deal with the Maori Party, the party likely to be the third biggest party in Parliament.

Why twice as many Nats want a deal with UnitedFuture than the Maori Party, and nearly three times the number of Nats want a NZ First deal as opposed to the Maori Party is beyond me. Somebody his going to have to vote for them to give them some numbers - and if that happens they are likely to come from these voters who say they want to vote National.

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