Monday, February 25, 2008

Have you got your library card?

Twelve Police detectives in seven vehicles raided Vince Siemers place last Thursday looking for his library card.Anybody would think he smacked his kids with it.

But no. The search warrant itself sought evidence relating to any communication Siemer had with any of the defendants or their lawyers in the ill-fated (and since dropped) terrorist charges last October. Apparently the commuicastion was made at the local library.

The police immediately confiscated Mr Siemer's library card as exhibit one. Why so many police were needed to officially confiscate a library card is evident only when you see the long list of items taken which have nothing to do with the search warrant. While no warrant was shown, the search warrant - signed by a deputy registrar with the district court - claimed they were looking for evidence related to possession of a copy of the Police Affidavit in the terrorist raids.

Siemers runs a news siteand is well known for this.

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