By Dr Amanda Sainsbury-Salis
This book is about how you can work with your body to lose weight and keep it off. It’s not another diet book, in fact you can read it along with your favourite diet book be it a low GI diet, high protein or low carb. It’s by a molecular scientist who actually knows what it feels like to be fat. In her frank introduction to this book, Dr Amanda Sainsbury-Salis describes her own moment of truth: ‘After six years of dieting, I’d gained 40 kilos. I’d dieted myself fat.’ This was the moment she decided to use her scientific training as a biochemist to find a way to lose weight for good. For herself. And for everyone else in the same boat. The strategies she suggests in this book (and there are lots of them) worked for her. She lost 24 kilos in 2 years and 4 more kilos over the next 4 years. She has maintained this weight loss for 9 years. These strategies have also worked for her husband, many of her friends and hundreds of her clients.
Dr Amanda Sainsbury-Salis
During her research she discovered that the real enemy is a basic physiological phenomenon. Losing weight triggers a cascade of reactions in your body that makes it hard first to keep losing weight, and secondly to keep it off (sound familiar?). She calls this the Famine Reaction. It’s the mechanism that’s helped the human race survive famine and food shortages for millions of years. How to counteract it? That’s what this book is about. To tune into your body signals eat:
- A large variety of whole (minimally processed) foods.
- Mainly vegetables and fruits, the greater the variety the better.
- Just enough to satisfy your physical hunger (ad libitum) and not stay hungry or overeat.
Guide to Farmers’ Markets Australia and New Zealand 2007
Published by RMW Classic Publications
Low GI eating means eating around 2–3 serves of fruit and at least 5 serves of vegetables a day. To many people, increasing their intake of fruit and veggies seems a tall order. Here’s a tip – try tempting your tastebuds with truly fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. You will not only taste the difference but get to talk to the person who grew the carrots, tomatoes, peaches or plums. Come Saturday or Sunday mornings in showgrounds, parking lots and town squares, check out your local farmers’ market with all the fun of the fair plus the best possible spin off – healthier eating for you and your family. This handy glove box guide (RRP $19.95) covers 80 markets in Australia and 20 in New Zealand.
Photo: Jan Powers Farmers’ Markets –
Farmers’ markets have really taken off around the world and are the Number One tourist attraction in many areas. Produce can vary from stall to stall, so it’s always worth doing the rounds before you buy. Here are some websites to help you find one near you.
- Australia:
- Canada:
- New Zealand:
- UK:
- USA: &
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