Friday, June 30, 2006


Carbohydrates, Glycemic Index and Health: The State of the Art
Millions of people around the world are following carbohydrate-modified diets for weight loss as well as general health, judging from the sales figures for popular diet books including, Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, The Zone, The South Beach Diet, The Glucose Revolution, and at least two dozen other titles. With regard to low glycemic index diets, major studies have been published in JAMA, The Lancet, AJCN, American Journal of Epidemiology and International Journal of Obesity in the last three years suggesting beneficial effects on appetite, energy metabolism or body weight. Other recent studies have been inconsistent. How do we distinguish between the good and poor research in this field? What is the difference between low glycemic load and low glycemic index? How do approaches that aim to reduce carbohydrate amount compare with those that focus on carbohydrate quality, specifically GI? Are some individuals more likely to see benefits of low GI diets than others? Are these diets safe over the long term? This ‘state of the art’ one-day symposium in Sydney, Australia on 2 September 2006 will provide a forum for the vigorous exploration of these questions.


The sponsor: The University of Sydney Nutrition Research Foundation
The convenors: Prof Jennie Brand-Miller, Human Nutrition, The University of Sydney, Australia and Prof David Ludwig, Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
For more information
Ms Elisabeth Eaton
GI Symposium Secretariat, PO Box 949, Kent Town SA 5071, Australia
phone +618 8363 1307; Fax +618 8363 1604

Dietary Study for Women with PCOS
The University of Sydney is conducting a dietary study for women with PCOS. If you live in Sydney, Australia, are aged 18–40 with PCOS and are not taking the pill or trying to conceive, contact for more details.

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