Monday, January 31, 2011

Pakistan judge blocks any move to hand over US gunman
A Pakistani moderator has blocked any move to hand over to US establishment an American government employee, beneath study for double murder, and place his name on the way out control list.

Tripping US congressmen on Monday asked President Asif Ali Zardari to free Raymond Davis, who was under arrest following killing two Pakistani motorcyclists in broad daylight in Lahore in what the American said, was an act of self-defence.

Excluding a lawyer petition the Lahore high court to block any move to hand Davis over to the United States, filing a implore under public awareness laws.

Full Story

useful links: transport rankings

WH: Ambassador Huntsman to leave China post
U.S. diplomat to China Jon Huntsman, a Republican with possible presidential ambitions, submit a letter of acceptance to the White House on Monday proclaimed he intends to leave the post April 30, a elder administration official said.

Huntsman, a preceding governor of Utah, was appointed ambassador by President Barack Obama in 2009. Huntsman's plans have generated substantial attention in political circles because his distant policy skill could stand out in a packed GOP field.

Past Monday, White House lecturer Robert Gibbs said Huntsman had learned officials of his desire to end his diplomatic assignment. Bar Gibbs said the White House had no indication that Huntsman would seek to run next to the president.

Full Story

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Fla. judge strikes down Obama health care overhaul
A federal judge affirmed the Obama administration's health care renovate unauthorized Monday, siding with 26 states that argued people cannot be necessary to buy health indemnity.

Senior U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson agreed with the states that the new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by 2014 or face penalties. He went a step more than a previous ruling against the law, declaring the whole thing unauthorized if the insurance obligation does not hold up.

Attorneys for the U.S. government had argued that the states did not have standing to brave the law and that the case should be dismiss.

Full Story

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All eyes on Egypt's military: How will it respond?
As accumulation demonstrations carry on to intimidate Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's grip on power, the country's influential military is rising as possibly the crucial player in influential the course of events in the Middle East's most crowded nation.

By now, the army which has long enjoyed close ties to the ruling command is playing a key role in the efforts of the beleaguered Mubarak regime to control the growing chaos. More than the weekend, after police withdrew, the army deployed to cities across Egypt, keeping sort but usually not forcing protesters from the streets.

Today, the Egyptian government traditional permission from Israel to move soldiers into the Sinai Peninsula, which has been principally demilitarized since a 1979 peace contract between the two countries. And Mubarak has now curved to three career military men -- including Omar Suleiman, a former army widespread and head of the cunning services, now chosen vice president -- to help run the government.

Full Story

useful links: transport rankings

Iran: New executions in Karaj and Birjand today; One executed in Tehran yesterday

Iran Human Rights, January 31: According to the reports from Iran several people have been executed in different Iranian cities today and yesterday.

In a press conference that was held today, Iran’s prosecutor general, and spokesman of the Iranian judiciary, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i said that several people have been hanged in the cities of Birjand (east of Iran) and Karaj (west of Tehran) today and one person was hanged in Tehran yesterday reported several Iranian news agencies. According to these reports all of those executed today and yesterday were convicted of drug trafficking.

The reports didn’t mention the exact number nor the identities of those who were executed.

Source: Iran Human Rights, January 31, 2011 - [فارسى]
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GI News—February 2011


  • Stocking a low GI emergency pantry
  • 10,000 steps reduces diabetes risk
  • BGL benefits of cinnamon and vinegar
  • Green tea and satiety
  • Do you need 8 glasses of water a day?
As I sat down to write this mid-January on a sunny Thursday morning in Sydney, the mopping up after the disastrous and tragic floods was underway in Queensland and around 9000 people had just been told to flee, as flooding threatens half a dozen towns in northern Victoria. Stay put they say and you could be isolated and left without any power for a week or more. It’s a reminder to us all that emergencies can happen anytime or place and whether it’s a natural disaster or a neighbourhood emergency, the things we take for granted (food, electricity, gas, water) could be disrupted in a flash. In Food for Thought, we suggest our top 10 tips for stocking a low GI ‘emergency pantry’ so you have energy to burn to take care of yourself, your BGLs and your family and in GI Symbol News, Dr Alan Barclay suggests 10 top snacks to keep you going in an emergency.

If you would like to help the disaster relief in Queensland, you can donate online to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal HERE

Good eating, good health and good reading.

Editor: Philippa Sandall

Web management and design: Alan Barclay, PhD

Food for Thought

Our top 10 picks for your low GI emergency pantry

Queensland floods

The take-home message of the last few months, with the catastrophic earthquake and aftershocks in Christchurch (NZ), the big freeze in Europe, blizzards in the US and disastrous floods in Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka, is that preparing for an emergency is the smart thing to do. Bush fires, cyclones, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes and blizzards could leave you trapped without electricity or gas. It’s vital to have ready-to-eat food on hand to keep you and your family fighting fit until the disaster has passed. And this is where processed foods shine, enabling you to whip up a variety of healthy, tasty low GI meals in minutes. Opt for low(er) salt/sodium products when there is a choice and check use-by dates. Drain canned foods and rinse if you have clean water. Here are our 10 top pantry picks.

Tip: Because you can’t depend on refrigeration after cans or jars have been opened, buy sizes that you and your family can consume at one sitting.

  1. Canned beans, chickpeas and lentils (GI range 31–52) and bean dishes such as chilli beans, refried beans, lentil and pea and ham soups – OK cold but quickly heated on a camp stove
  2. Canned fish –such as tuna, salmon, sardines, crabmeat, prawns, mackerel, herrings
  3. Canned meats and meat dishes such as chilli beef and beans, ravioli, spaghetti Bolognese and broths (OK cold but quickly heated on a camp stove)
  4. Cans and jars of fruit in natural juice (GI range 42–54); dried fruit such as apple (GI29), apricots (GI31), dates (GI39–45), fruit and nut mix (GI15), fruit straps (Sunripe School Straps GI35–40 ), peach (GI35), pear (GI43), prunes (GI41), sultanas (GI54), tropical fruit and nut mix (GI49)
  5. Cans and jars of vegetables such as artichoke hearts, asparagus, bamboo shoots, beetroot (GI64), cabbage/sauerkraut, capsicum, carrots, corn kernels (GI46–48), mushrooms, peas, tomatoes
  6. Nuts (not salted), seeds and mixes
  7. Dry cereals such as fruit and nut muesli (Morning Sun GI49–55 ), muesli bars (Uncle Toby’s GI 48–54)
  8. Grainy crackers such as Ryvita crispbreads (GI46-48), oatmeal biscuits (GI55) and shelf stable flat breads such as white corn tortillas and reduced-carb wraps (Diego’s and Woolworths brands GI51–53)
  9. Powdered milk, small containers UHT milk, Milo powder (GI36–39 mixed with milk)
  10. And if you have a heating source such as a camp stove or gas bottle barbecue, you can expand your options to include foods that don’t need much water to cook such as instant noodles (GI52) and ready to eat basmati brown rice
What to drink? Bottled water, single-serving-sized juice that doesn't need to be refrigerated, diet soft drinks. There are some good tips on drinking water for campers, which also applies in emergency situations HERE.

For more information, go to or Google ‘emergency pantry’.

News Briefs

Every step you take…

In a five-year Australian study of nearly 600 adults averaging 50 years of age published in the British Medical Journal, walking more steps (the participants wore pedometers) was associated with reductions in body mass index, waist to hip ratio, and insulin sensitivity (a measure of type 2 diabetes risk). Sedentary people who increased their daily steps to 10,000 over the five year span saw improvement in their insulin sensitivity by three times compared to those who took only 3000 steps for five days a week. Past research has shown that walking more can decrease the risk of becoming overweight and developing insulin resistance. But the study is the first to suggest that increasing the actual number of steps you take can make a difference in your diabetes risk, researchers said.

Pedometer with 10,000 steps

How many steps should you take? According to a 2008 study on walking and maintaining a healthy weight, men ages 18–50 should take 12,000 steps a day. For men 50 and up, you'll need 11,000 steps a day. Women ages 18–40 need to take 12,000 steps a day, whereas women ages 40–50 should take 11,000 steps a day. Women in their 50s should take 10,000 steps a day, and women 60 and older should take 8000 steps a day. A rough estimate of how far you need to walk: depending on your stride, the average person takes about 1000 steps for every 0.8 kilometer (or about a half mile). To walk 11,000 steps is roughly equivalent to 8.8 km (5.5 miles).

Beat metabolic syndrome with a low GI diet

The bottom line from a cross-sectional analysis of the association of dietary GI and GL with the metabolic syndrome reported in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association and in the an accompanying editorial is that using the GI as intended – to choose the lowest GI food within a food group/category as part of a healthy, well balanced diet (moderate in carbohydrate) – may reduce the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome (large waist circumference, high blood glucose and triglyceride levels, and low HDL (Good) cholesterol levels), which in turn is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon/cassia and BGLs

A daily dose of two grams of cinnamon/cassia (Cinnamomum cassia, Holland and Barrett Ltd, UK) for 12 weeks was associated with improved blood pressure measures and BGLs in people with type-2 diabetes, reports a clinical study from Imperial College London. ‘The two gram dose of cinnamon (cassia) administered in our study was safe and well tolerated over the 12 weeks of treatment,’ wrote Dr Rajadurai Akilen and his co-workers in Diabetic Medicine. ‘The sustainability and durability of the effect of cinnamon has not been tested, nor has its long-term tolerability and safety, both of which will need to be determined. However, the short-term effects of the use of cinnamon for patients with type 2 diabetes look promising.’

The researchers report that the cinnamon supplement over the 12 weeks was associated with a reduction in HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) levels from 8.22 to 7.86% in the cinnamon group compared with an increase in the placebo group from 8.55 to 8.68% and a mean decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 3.4 and 5.0 mmHg, respectively.

Pedometer with 10,000 steps

GI Group: In recent years, lab research has suggested that cassia cinnamon, which contains around 5% of coumarin, may make body cells more sensitive to insulin. Small studies in healthy people and people with diabetes have also shown that Cinnamomum cassia can reduce the blood glucose rise after eating. But the jury is still out – some results have been promising but it’s too early to say that cinnamon cassia definitely does have beneficial health effects for people with type 2 diabetes. We covered the story in GI News in April 2009

Green tea and BGLs

Research from Lund University, Sweden and published in the Nutrition Journal suggests that drinking a cup of green tea rather than water after eating (white bread in the study) could boost feelings of fullness, but found no evidence to support previous suggestions that it may moderate insulin sensitivity or glucose levels. You can read the whole article HERE

Vinegar and BGLs

A recent paper in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that the BGL benefit of adding vinegar to a meal (as in a dressing with your salad) is more pronounced after a high GI meal than a low one. Read more about it on Catherine Saxelby’s website HERE.


Produce stories from our favourite food and nutrition websites that caught our eye and we think may catch yours. Fish is the flavour of the month in February.

#1 Paprika festival Ian and Liz Hemphill of Herbie’s Spices went in search of Hungary’s best paprika recently and spent five rainy days in the Hungarian countryside visiting farms and factories and attending the Kolosca Paprika Festival, where groups of locals cooked up wonderful paprika-spiced specialties. ‘Our favourite,’ writes Liz, ‘was this simple but fabulous catfish soup. It’s a good fish, firm fleshed and not too bony. You might find it in Australia called silver cobbler, or just cobbler, or you could use ling.’ Check out Liz’s catfish soup HERE.

# 2 En papillote ‘There’s something delightful about receiving a parcel, ‘ writes Inside Cuisine’s Rebecca Varidel. ‘It’s the child-like discovery process in the opening of the parcel that delights and enchants us. This holds true also for food. Cooking in parchment paper, en papillote in French or al cartoccio in Italian, was one of the earliest cooking techniques that I experimented with as a child. Perhaps I was enchanted (then as now) with the hidden treasures of aromas and taste. When the best of the season’s ingredients are folded in a pouch (of parchment, bag or aluminium foil) and then baked, the flavour is captured within and released as the parcel is opened.’ Check out Rebecca’s fish en papilotte (with step-by-step photos) HERE.

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna's website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is


My traditional winter minestrone

Fresh homemade vegetable soup shows up on Italian kitchen tables all year long. Whatever fresh vegetables are already in the fridge, or growing in the vegetable garden or are the seasonal choices at the greengrocer’s is what constitutes that day’s ‘minestrone’ or large pot of soup. These days we can easily find zucchini in the winter and broccoli in the summer, but I stick pretty much to the traditional winter/spring/summer/fall vegetables. Here’s how I make my minestrone during the winter months. Choose a lower GI potato if you can. Serves: 8 (1½ cups each)

1 large leek, white part only, thinly sliced

1 large potato (240g/8oz), peeled and diced

2 celery stalks, sliced

3 medium carrots, sliced

wedge (180g/6oz) butternut pumpkin (squash), peeled and diced

180g/6oz cauliflower or broccoli, broken into small florets

120g/4oz fresh spinach, coarsely chopped

4 large peeled canned tomatoes, seeds removed, chopped

4 sprigs flat leaf parsley

30g/1oz parmigiano cheese rind, scrubbed and cut into small pieces (optional)

Traditional winter minestrone

Prepare the vegetables, parsley and cheese and add them and all at once to a large soup pot with a little salt to taste. Pour in 10 cups cold water, cover and bring to a boil on high, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for approximately 1 hour.

Allow the soup to cool down a bit to prevent splattering. Using a handheld immersion mixer or a food blender, pulse the vegetables in batches to attain a chunky, semi-pureed texture. Heat before serving. (If preferred, the cooked vegetables can be left intact and served directly from the pot.)

Per serving

Energy: 365kJ/ 87cals; Protein 4g; Fat 1g (includes less than 1g saturated fat and 2mg cholesterol); Available carbs 16g; Fibre 4g

Cut back on the food bills and enjoy fresh-tasting, easily prepared, seasonal, satisfying and delicious low or moderate GI meals that don’t compromise on quality and flavour one little bit with Money Saving Meals author Diane Temple. For more recipes check out the Money Saving Meals website.

Tuna and chickpea salad from the low GI emergency pantry

Use a flavoured tuna (like chilli) if you want more zing. To give it some crunch, serve with grainy crackers such as Ryvita crispbreads or make wraps with white corn tortillas. Ship chives or spring (green) onions over the top for a little extra colour and flavour if you have some in the fridge or garden. Serves 4

280g jar char-grilled vegetable antipasto

185g can tuna, drained

400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

125g can corn, drained and rinsed

2 tablespoons oil from antipasto jar

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Tuna and chickpea salad

Roughly chop the antipasto vegetables and set aside the oil from the jar to make the dressing.

Flake the tuna in a large bowl using a fork. Add the chickpeas, vegetables and corn and stir to combine.

Whisk together the oil and vinegar to make a dressing, pour over salad and stir lightly to combine.

Per serve

Energy: 1230kJ/ 294 cals; Protein 20g; 16Fat g (includes 1g saturated fat and 25mg cholesterol); Available 26carbs g; Fibre 6g

Feedback: We would love to hear what you have stocked in your emergency pantry and what you whip up to feed the family in times of crisis when, for whatever reason, you don't have water or power.

Get the Scoop with Emma Stirling

The scoop on the recipe for recovery

Emma Stirling

Emma Stirling APD

What a heartbreaking time watching our sunny state of Queensland be inundated with wild weather and flooding and now to see a repeat on a smaller scale in Victoria too. But what a wonderful week to be reminded of the power of the human spirit, compassion for our fellow man and food as a cure all. Which brings me to my latest retro find that I’ve been longing to share with you, and it ties in nicely with a fantastic project for recovery that you’ll want to know about.

Sharing first. In today’s high tech hospital a dietitian plays a critical role from ICU to outpatient rehabilitation and nourishment often comes in a clinical formulation down a tube. But nutrition therapy used to be a lot simpler as this golden item – Dainty Dishes For children, invalids and convalescents suggests. It is a text book for Nurses’ Cookery Certificate required by The Royal Victorian Trained Nurses Association by Lucy Drake and revised by Dorothy M. Giles. I’m still reading it all but there are gems like: ‘A woman may be excused if she cannot make a cake, but it should be regarded as a social crime, if she is not able to prepare a good cup of beef tea or nourishing soup, and a few simple dishes, which will help, and not retard an invalid’s recovery.’ You can read more about gems like this on my blog.

Now for the fantastic project. This back to basics, home nourishment approach is being replicated now in Queensland with Baked Relief. The brainchild of Danielle Crismani, teams of home cooks are preparing and delivering nourishment and encouragement to the affected areas, plus volunteers facing the enormous and heart wrenching clean up tasks. They are baking every sweet and savoury slice known to man, plus family dinners too and delivering supplies including bottled water with online co-ordination and army-like precision. I applaud everyone involved who has volunteered their time and recognise the power of food as a recipe towards recovery.

Baked Relief

Here’s how this wonderful relief network started. Separated from her boys who were with her mum (whose property was affected by flooding) and needing to do something, Danielle came up with the idea to start baking some relief for the State Emergency Services volunteers who were sandbagging around Brisbane. She put the word out about what she was doing on her blog and on Twitter and Facebook and offers of help and baking came rushing in. It has just grown beyond imagining since then and Baked Relief is now in the hands of hundreds of home cooks and bakers and is reaching people who are recovering from the floods and all of those thousands of volunteers helping them.

For the most up to date information about #bakedrelief please check twitter. @BakedRelief, @digellabakes or @melkettle or search #bakedrelief at

Emma Stirling is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and health writer with over ten years experience writing for major publications. She is editor of The Scoop on Nutrition – a blog by expert dietitians. Check it out for hot news bites.

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day.


Nicole Senior

Fact: Most adults need around 2–2½ litres of fluid daily but not all this fluid needs to be water. Fluid needs vary greatly according to climatic conditions, physical activity, body size, diet and your health status.

Eight glasses of water a day is eight metric cups (or eight 8 ounce glasses), or 2 litres. Some experts say there is absolutely no scientific foundation for this oft given advice. This puzzled me because I thought there were principles and guidelines to calculate a person’s fluid requirements and they roughly equate to this 8-glass rule of thumb. Are these guidelines I’ve been using based on good scientific evidence? Before you throw your water bottle against the nearest brick wall, here’s more information to ‘fill out’ the story of how much water we should drink.

Everyone knows we can’t survive long without water. For the more morbid among you, survival time is around 1 week but can be as little as a few hours for a marathon runner experiencing catastrophic heatstroke. Water is essential for life and needed for temperature regulation, digestion, metabolism, absorption of nutrients and excretion of waste. About half the water needed each day goes to sweat and water vapour in our breath. Water accounts for 50–80% of our lean body mass; men have slightly more than women, and the proportion goes down as we age. Replacement of lost water is vital to maintain normal functioning.

The Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for Australia and New Zealand acknowledge it is difficult to experimentally derive Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for water because of individual variation. Because of this, they established an Adequate Intake (AI) based on the median intake of the population. This is a roundabout way of saying they came up with a best guess: 2.1 lites (8 cups) for women and 2.6 litres (10 cups) for men, with clear caveats that people living in hot climates or very physically active need more. You can see how the 8-glass a day rule is starting to sound plausible. Of interest is no Upper Limit (UL) has been set because over-hydration causing hyponatremia (dangerously low electrolyte sodium levels) is unlikely in normal circumstances.

However, what the 8-glass rule fails to recognise is you don’t have to drink all your fluid requirements. There is a lot of water already in food, especially fruits and vegetables as well as the obvious liquid and semi-solid foods like soups, yoghurt and custard. According to Australia’s last national nutrition survey, the intrinsic water in food contributed 700–800ml per day. Water is also a by-product of metabolism: around 250ml (1 metric cup) per day is produced this way. So more accurately, the 8-glass a day rule should be more like 4–6 glasses.

What about thirst? I’ve heard the human thirst mechanism is a poor indicator of our fluid needs and we should drink even though we aren’t thirsty, but is this true? A perusal of the scientific literature suggests this is only true in athletes because their fluid needs are high, and the elderly because their thirst mechanism is poor. For the rest of us, our thirst serves us well.

So, drink when you feel thirsty and don’t feel you have to gulp down 8 glasses of water a day. For many, 4–6 glasses is probably enough. And remember tea, milk, juice and even coffee all contribute valuable fluids, just go easy on the sweetened drinks to prevent kilojoule/calorie blow-outs

Thirsty for more? You can find more great information on eating (and drinking) for health at Nicole’s website HERE.

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay


Dr Alan Barclay

Snacking to keep your energy up and your BGLs down in an emergency

People in Queensland and Victoria here in Australia have been faced with real emergencies this summer. It has been fantastic to see an organisation like Baked Relief cooking their hearts out to help victims and rescuers alike keep going. When faced with an emergency that isolates us, we need nutrient-dense snacks to keep us going and also to provide us with the sustained energy we need for the extra physical activity these situations often require –you may have to clamber onto the roof to be winched to safety by helicopter. Snacks can be just as important as meals in situations like this. You need foods that will keep safely at room temperature for prolonged periods (so you can store them away) and you can eat with minimum preparation (clean, safe water may be scarce, and you may have no gas or electricity).

Our top 10 snacks: The following list (in alpha order) includes foods from our emergency pantry as well as what you may have on hand to help you get through the long days of isolation (and clamber onto the roof if you have to):

  1. Canned fruits (in fruit juice) like apple, apricots, peaches or pears
  2. Chocolate
  3. Dried fruit like apples, apricot, dates, peaches, pear, or prunes, and 100% dried fruit bars like Sunripe® School Straps
  4. Fresh fruit like apples, grapefruit, mandarin, orange or pears
  5. Fruit and nut mix
  6. Mixed nuts
  7. Plain UHT (Long-life) milk Like Dairy Farmers Light White or mixed with Milo®
  8. Quality breakfast cereals that can be eaten dry like a natural style muesli (e.g., Morning Sun®)
  9. Ryvita® Sunflower Seeds & Oats or Pumpkin Seeds & Oats
  10. Uncle Toby’s® Chewy Muesli Bars or Crunchy Muesli Bars

Nestle Milo®

New GI Symbol

For more information about the GI Symbol Program

Dr Alan W Barclay, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Glycemic Index Foundation (Ltd)

Phone: +61 (0)2 9785 1037

Mob: +61 (0)416 111 046

Fax: +61 (0)2 9785 1037



GI Update

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions

I have PCOS and have been told that if I eat a low GI diet it will help me lose some weight and maybe even help me get pregnant. I have tried diets before and never seem to stick to them. Have you got any tips – I really want to succeed this time round.

There are four tips we usually suggest when people want to change their diet and create new eating habits they can stick to.

1. Aim to make changes gradually. Don’t try and change everything overnight. Start with a few small changes and add more as you achieve these. Keep in mind that it takes about 3 months for a new change to become a habit.

2. Attempt the easiest changes first. Nothing inspires like success, so increase your chances by picking something simple to get you going on the right track like eating a piece of fruit as a snack every day.

3. Break those big goals into a number of smaller goals. A big goal such as wanting to drop a couple of dress sizes is unlikely to happen quickly. Smaller more specific goals such as limiting fast food to once a week or making sure you eat a low GI breakfast are much more achievable.

4. Be prepared for setbacks. You are only human. But if you have a lapse, don’t beat yourself up, just get back on track the next day.

Good luck. And if you need more help and support, it is a good idea to see a registered (accredited practicing) dietitian.

PCOS book cover

– From the revised and updated edition of the Low GI Diet for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Prof Jennie Brand-Miller, Dr Kate Marsh and Prof Nadir Farid (Hachette).

GI testing by an accredited laboratory

North America

Dr Alexandra Jenkins

Glycemic Index Laboratories

20 Victoria Street, Suite 300

Toronto, Ontario M5C 298 Canada

Phone +1 416 861 0506




Fiona Atkinson


Research Manager, Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service (SUGiRS)

Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences

Sydney University

NSW 2006 Australia

Phone + 61 2 9351 6018

Fax: + 61 2 9351 6022



See The New Glucose Revolution on YouTube

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31st Jan Interview with Jane

Colette writing on Jane's behalf again.

Jane poses the question - when will the other 82 million Egyptians get a chance to have their voices heard?

The sensationalist coverage of the violence in Tahrir Square is not reflecting the experience of millions of people in Egypt.

The danger is, with these extreme images on 24 hour repeat, the more fearful foreigners may become of travelling to Egypt in the months to come.

Foreign money from Tourism is a main source of income for many Egyptian families and Egypt as a nation.

Jane says someone should be speaking up for the others............ the question is.... when?

Man hanged in Iran for "apostasy"

Iran Human Rights, January 31: One man was hanged in the southwestern Iranian town of Ahvaz convicted of apostasy, reported the Iranian news website Mashregh news today.

According to the report the man who was identified as "Ali Ghorabat" also known as "Saed", was convicted of apostasy for "claiming to have contact with the God and the 12th Shiite Imam". he was executed on Wednesday January 26. in the Karoun prison of Ahvaz, said the report. The title of the report in Mashreghnews was "The bald God was hanged".

Source: Iran Human Rights, January 31, 2011
Use the tags below or the search engine at the top of this page to find updates, older or related articles on this Website.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama calls foreign leaders over Egypt
President Barack Obama has spoken with overseas leaders to talk about the constant circumstances in Egypt, the White House said on Sunday.

Obama beam to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, with Saudi King Abdullah on Saturday, and to UK Prime Minister Cameron on Sunday, the White House proclamation said.

Throughout his calls, Obama reiterate his focus on opposing fighting and calling for control. He said he support worldwide rights, including the right to passive congregation, association, and speech.

Obama also support "an orderly change to a government that is open to the ambitions of the Egyptian people."

Full story

useful links: transport rankings

NASA marks 25th anniversary of Challenger accident
Hundreds gather at NASA's launch site Friday to mark the 25th anniversary of the Challenger disaster, in receipt of words of hope from the widow of the space shuttle's leader.

The chilly outside observance drew space agency managers, former astronauts, past and present launch directors, family and friends of the fall crew and schoolchildren who weren't yet born when the space ferry transport a high school teacher from Concord, N.H., erupt in the sky.

The misfortune on Jan. 28, 1986 immediately 73 seconds into flight killed all seven on panel, as well as instructor Christa McAuliffe.

June Scobee Rodgers, the widow of Challenger's chief officer, Dick Scobee, urged the large number to "boldly look to the future" not only in space travel, bar in space and science tutoring. She was active in establish the NASA Challenger Center for Space Science Education.

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US set to fly thousands of Americans from Egypt
The State Department is ready to evacuate thousands of U.S. citizens from Egypt on charter planes, other than is relying mainly on friends and families in the U.S. to relay that in sequence to stranded Americans. Assistant Secretary of State Janice Jacobs told reporters Sunday that she expects it will take more than a few flights over the coming days to hold the number of Americans who desire to leave Egypt.

Jacobs recognized that Internet interruption in Egypt are production it difficult for Americans there to get in sequence about the evacuations. not including she said they have been able to get in succession from people in the United States who do have access to State Department and costs websites.

The charter will begin Monday from Cairo and will fly to Europe. Jacobs said the U.S. is looking at Athens, Greece; Istanbul, Turkey; and Nicosia, Cyprus as destination. Up to now, she said, Americans have been clever to get taxis, but she said people should wait until tomorrow preceding to they try to go to the airport to get one of the agreement flights.

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Egyptian reform leader calls for Mubarak to resign
Egypt's most famous democratic system advocate took up a bullhorn Sunday and called for President Hosni Mubarak to leave, speaking to thousands of protester who defied a blackout for a third night. Fighter jets streaked low in the clouds and police return to the capital's streets high-profile displays of right over a circumstances spiraling out of organize.

Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei's outer shell in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square underscore the jockeying for control of the mass protest movement that erupt outwardly out of nowhere in the past week to shake the Arab world's the majority crowded nation.

Now in their sixth day, the protests have come to be centered in the square, where demonstrators have camped since Friday. Up to 10,000 protesters gather there Sunday, and even after the 4 p.m. curfew, they number in the thousands, counting families with young children, address Mubarak with their chants of "Leave, leave, leave."

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Deserter's execution remains vivid for Whitehall man

The bravest act Nick Gozik witnessed during World War II wasn't on the battlefield.

On his 25th birthday, Gozik stood witness as Pvt. Eddie Slovik became the only U.S. service member executed for desertion since the Civil War.

Slovik did not try to run from his fate in a French courtyard. He knew he would die within moments, yet he did not cry or whimper or beg for his life.

He was branded a deserter, but he was no coward, Gozik said.

"I've seen a lot of people in the service who didn't want to die, but he knew he was going to die," said Gozik, 90, of Whitehall. "He knew what to expect, and he was going to abide by it."

In November, about 65 years later, Gozik paid his respects to a man he never met but knew at his final hour.

"He paid the price of several thousand people deserting during the war," Gozik said. "Believe me when I tell you, to me, he was the bravest soldier I ever met."

Gozik joined the Army National Guard shortly after his 19th birthday. When the United States entered World War II after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Gozik and his fellow Guardsmen ended up on active duty.

He served with the Army's 28th Infantry Division in an artillery unit that made its way through Europe. In eastern France, after he survived the Battle of the Bulge, Gozik found himself a witness to history.

The war was still raging, but Gozik and his unit were taking a breather. He and a few others were told to report to battalion headquarters on the morning of Jan. 31, 1945. They were not told why.

They traveled through the wet snow that blanketed the hills the night before and into Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines in the Vosges Mountains.

"When we drove down into this little town, we weren't sure what we were expecting," Gozik said.

They were taken to what Gozik described as a castle-like villa at the end of town with iron gates, a bridge and a stone wall surrounding it. They entered a courtyard.

"They had put up a large pole in the center of this area close to the stone wall," he said.

The murmurs began. Somebody was being executed today.

Gozik and the others were supposed to stand at attention. Nobody did.

Instead, they watched as Slovik, wearing his uniform stripped of its insignia, emerged from a small shed.

He was flanked by 2 soldiers, a blanket draped over his shoulders. His head was bare.

Slovik was a "little fellow," Gozik said. "He was going to be 25 years old in February. And that day was my birthday” Jan. 31. I was 25 years old."

Slovik was strapped to the post -- his feet, legs, waist and under his arms -- so that when he died, he wouldn't slump to the ground.

A Catholic priest -- a chaplain who had celebrated Mass around a Jeep with Gozik and his comrades -- went to Slovik's side.

Gozik thought he made out the words of "Hail Mary."

He heard the end of their exchange: "'Eddie,'" the priest said, "'when you get up there, say a prayer for me.' Eddie said he would."

A satiny black hood, made by a local woman, was pulled over Slovik's head.

12 more soldiers marched in -- the firing squad. They were the sharpshooters, picked from various units in the 28th.

Each loaded his rifle with 1 round. 11 had live ammunition; 1 had a blank.

The general read the charges against Slovik. The declaration lasted 5 minutes and then -- "Ready, aim, fire!"

"When they fired, you expected the bang to go off, but it shook us -- 12 rounds," Gozik said. "It just shattered the stillness of the day."

Slovik slumped a bit. A physician checked his vital signs. He was still alive.

"I heard the doctor say, 'What's the matter with you guys? Can't you shoot straight?' " Gozik said.

As they reloaded, Slovik took his last breath.

The witnesses were ordered to march out before the body was removed.

Gozik went back to his unit and told the guys what he had seen. He wrote home about it.

But he never heard mention of it from his superiors. There was no article in "Stars and Stripes."

While the death stuck with him, and he didn't feel it was right, Gozik never knew the details of Slovik's crimes until years later when he came across William Bradford Huie's book, "The Execution of Private Slovik."

Gozik learned about the man whom he knew only in death. He learned Slovik was a petty thief from Detroit deemed unsuitable for the military until more soldiers were needed.

"They were scraping the bottom of the barrel," Gozik said. "They needed cannon fodder.

"He didn't belong there. He didn't belong there. It was sad."

In Europe, Slovik and another soldier were separated from their unit. For weeks, they helped a Canadian unit while they tried to find their way back. When they did, Slovik told a commander he would prefer a job in the rear of the unit. He would serve, but he did not want to fire a rifle.

When Slovik was told he follows orders or else, he chose desertion. Time and again, when given a choice, Slovik said he would desert.

"They could have probably found another job for him," Gozik said. "But they wanted to make him pay the price."

Upwards of 40,000 U.S. service members evaded combat during World War II. Most were tried by lesser courts-martial, but 2,864 cases were heard by general courts-martial and received sentences from 20 years to death. While 49 death sentences were approved, only Slovik's was carried out.

"They said he was a nobody, but he was a somebody," Gozik said, his eyes filling with tears. "They felt nobody would worry or care about him."

Gozik said the execution was a blatant injustice.

"If he died as a deterrent to eliminate the possibility of further deserters, it really didn't make a difference," Gozik said, "It was just awful as far as I'm concerned."

Slovik was buried in a section of a French cemetery reserved for 96 American soldiers executed in the European Theater. All but Slovik had been hanged for violent crimes -- the murder or rape of civilians.

For years, a Michigan politician, himself a World War II vet, petitioned for Slovik's body to be returned to the States and buried next to his wife, who died in 1979. In 1987, those pleas were heard. But attempts over the years to get Slovik a presidential pardon have not been successful.

For years, Gozik wanted to pay his respects to Slovik. Last November, he decided it was time to go to Detroit.

He wanted to meet with Slovik's sister.

"I just wanted to tell her what a brave man her brother was, and whatever happened to him, he did not deserve it," Gozik said. "I wanted to put her mind at ease that there was no justification."

Slovik's sister declined to meet. The memories were still too painful.

On the day after Veterans Day, on the way to a granddaughter's wedding, Gozik and many of his family members went to Slovik's grave.

With the help of a daughter, he placed a small American flag at the grave.

"It was the end of my journey for Eddie," he said. "I did what I wanted to do, but I'm sorry it took that many years."

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, January 31, 2011
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Shortage of execution drug leaves Mississippi looking for replacement

Just weeks before Mississippi had back-to-back executions for the 1st time in nearly 50 years, officials were scrambling to find enough sodium thiopental to carry out the sentences.

The executions were carried out as scheduled, but the difficulty in finding sodium thiopental shows Mississippi is not immune from a nationwide shortage of the drug.

State Corrections Commissioner Chris Epps said last week the state is looking for a replacement for sodium thiopental, 1 of 3 drugs used in Mississippi's executions.

"We don't have a choice. We're wearing out our options," Epps said.

Hospira Inc., the only U.S. supplier of sodium thiopental, stopped producing it in 2009.

The company recently announced that it won't resume production.

Epps and the Mississippi attorney general's office said last week that state officials are looking for a different drug for executions, but using a new drug creates the potential for a wave of legal challenges to the state's method of execution.

Source: Sun Herald, January 31, 2011
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Indonesia: Judges' comments raise hopes for Bali Nine duo

The Indonesian court that heard the final legal appeals of death row inmates Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran (left) has raised the Bali 9 members' chances of being spared death by firing squad.

A written declaration that the right to life ''must not be ignored, reduced [or] taken away by anyone'' made by a panel of 3 judges was sent from Denpasar District Court to the country's Supreme Court last month.

Based on that opinion, and the evidence of the hearings summarised by the judges, the Supreme Court will make the final verdict on the Bali nine members' attempt to have the death penalty reduced to 20-year prison terms. The decision is expected within a few months.

The six-point concluding opinion, obtained by The Age, backs most of the arguments put to the court by the pair's legal counsel and notes that many other countries no longer have the death penalty.

''Human rights constitute the most basic of rights inherent to man and is universal and eternal. Therefore, it must be protected, defended and must not be ignored, reduced [or] taken away by anyone,'' the judges said.

They pointed to the 1945 constitution, which they said explicitly stated that everybody had the right to life.

While capital punishment still exists in Indonesia, including for narcotics offences, the judges said the death penalty should only be imposed for ''the most serious crimes'' under the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights signed by the Indonesian government.

Chan and Sukumaran, both from Sydney, were detained along with 7 other Australians in Bali in 2005, and later found guilty of organising the smuggling of 8.1 kilograms of heroin to Australia.

Unlike other members of the Bali nine syndicate, they have faced the death penalty from the outset and have had that sentence upheld in all previous appeals, hurt by their refusal to admit their guilt or co-operate with authorities on the advice of their previous legal team.

However, the two men confessed their crimes before the judges in their most recent trial, expressing their contrition in Indonesian courts and testifying that they were working hard to reform their lives.

Their rehabilitation was endorsed by testimony from the governor of Bali's Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, who praised them for organising computer, graphic design and other classes for Indonesian inmates at the penitentiary. Siswanto also expressed his desire that their lives be spared.

The judges picked up on this point, saying the ''condition of the perpetrator'' must be considered.

However, the Denpasar judges dismissed an argument from the duo's lawyer that they only ''attempted'' the crime of drug exportation because the drugs were intercepted at Bali airport before the drug mules boarded their plane back to Australia.

Just what weight the Supreme Court gives to the Denpasar judges' opinion remains to be seen. The court is also considering an appeal from Scott Rush, the other member of the Bali 9 on death row.

If the appeals fail, the 3 Australians can appeal directly to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for clemency.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has lobbied Dr Yudhoyono on behalf of Chan, Sukumaran and Rush.

Source: The Age, January 31, 2011

Right-to-life ruling may save Bali pair from firing squad

The chances of the Bali nine ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran being spared death by firing squad have improved significantly after the Indonesian court that heard their final legal appeals found the right to life ''must not be ignored, reduced or taken away''.

The striking declaration in support of the sanctity of life was made by a panel of three judges in a written opinion sent from Denpasar District Court last month to the Supreme Court.

Based on the opinion and evidence summarised by the judges, the Supreme Court will make the final verdict on the men's bid to have the death penalty reduced to a 20-year jail term.

The decision is expected in months.

The 6-point concluding opinion, obtained by the Herald, backs most of the arguments put by the pair's lawyer and notes that many other countries no longer have the death penalty. ''Human rights constitute the most basic of rights inherent to man and is universal and eternal. Therefore, it must be protected, defended and must not be ignored, reduced, taken away by anyone.''

While capital punishment still exists in Indonesia, the judges said such a penalty should be imposed only for ''the most serious crimes'' under the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights signed by Indonesia.

Chan and Sukumaran, both from Sydney, were detained with 7 other Australians in Bali in 2005 and later found guilty of organising to smuggle 8.1 kilograms of heroin to Australia.

Unlike other syndicate members, the pair have faced the death penalty from the outset and have had that sentence upheld in all previous appeals, hurt by their refusal to admit guilt.

However, the 2 confessed their crimes before the judges in the most recent hearing. Their rehabilitation was endorsed by the governor of Bali's Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, who said he wanted their lives spared.

The judges dismissed an argument from their lawyer that they only ''attempted'' the crime of drug exportation because the drugs were intercepted at Bali airport before the drug couriers boarded their plane to Australia.

If the appeal fails, the Australians can appeal to Indonesia's President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, for clemency.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald, January 31, 2011
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Iran condemns 2 to death over porn sites

Iranian courts on Sunday sentenced 2 people to death for running porn sites, prosecutor general Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said, quoted on the Islamic republic's official IRNA news agency.

"2 administrators of porn sites have been sentenced to death in 2 different (court) branches and (the verdicts) have been sent to the supreme court for confirmation," Dolatabadi said, without naming the 2 convicts.

Last December, Canada expressed concern over the reported death sentence handed down to an Iranian-born Canadian resident for allegedly designing an adult website.

Saeed Malekpour, 35, was convicted of "designing and moderating adult content websites," "agitation against the regime" in Tehran, and "insulting the sanctity of Islam," according to an online campaign calling for his release.

Malekpour was detained in Iran after returning in 2008 to visit his ailing father. He was sentenced to death in December.

The Netherlands froze contacts with Tehran after Saturday's hanging of an Iranian-Dutch woman for drug smuggling, having initially been arrested for taking part in anti-government protests.

Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and United States have the highest numbers of executions each year. Adultery, murder, drug trafficking, homosexuality and other major crimes are all punishable by death in the Islamic republic.

Source: Agence France-Presse, January 31, 2011
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US: Sedative maker deplores death penalty use

The sole U.S. manufacturer of a sedative Ohio plans to use to execute death row inmates -- and that Oklahoma already uses to do so -- said Wednesday it opposes the practice and has asked both states to stop using the drug.

Pentobarbital maker Lundbeck Inc. says it never intended for the drug to be used to put inmates to death.

"This goes against everything we're in business to do," Sally Benjamin Young, spokeswoman for the Denmark-based company's U.S. headquarters in Deerfield, Ill., told The Associated Press.

"We like to develop and make available therapies that improve people's lives," she said. "That's the focus of our business."

State prison officials in Ohio and Oklahoma said they hadn't seen copies of the letter Wednesday and could not comment.

Oklahoma has used the drug in combination with 2 others in 3 executions, while Ohio announced Tuesday it is switching to the sedative as the sole drug used to put inmates to death.

Ohio has not yet purchased its 1st supplies and Oklahoma has said it obtains its supply from a private pharmacy.

Source: Associated Press, January 28, 2011

Ohio at Death Penalty Crossroads

As the pace of executions has accelerated in Ohio (it was 2nd only to Texas is executions last year), the Buckeye State has been at the center of death penalty debates in the U.S. Since the miserably failed execution of Romell Broom (in which he was subjected to 2 hours of unsuccessful attempts to find a vein suitable for injecting the lethal drugs) Ohio has twice switched execution protocols -- 1st, moving to a 1 drug method (a massive dose of the anesthetic sodium thiopental), and now, as that drug's manufacturer has taken it off the market, a 1 drug dose of a different anesthetic, pentobarbital, which is commonly used to put down animals.

The 1st execution in Ohio to incorporate this new drug is scheduled for March 10.

Meanwhile, those who know Ohio's death penalty the best have begun to assert that Ohio should just abolish the death penalty. Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul E. Pfeifer, who as a state Senator was largely responsible for enacting Ohio's death penalty law, has called for an end to capital punishment in his state. And Terry Collins, a former warden who personally witnessed 33 executions, has also urged Ohioans to give up the death penalty.

On the question of capital punishment, Ohio is moving simultaneously in two different directions. Will Ohio ignore the voices of those most experienced with the death penalty and continue to execute prisoners at a record pace? Or will the people of Ohio heed those voices and move to shut down Ohio's incredibly dysfunctional death penalty once and for all?

Source: Amnesty International USA, January 28, 2011

Ohio Changes Lethal Injection Drug

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (DRC) announced today it will substitute Pentobarbital for Sodium Thiopental for the purposes of carrying out lethal injections in Ohio. The protocol change results from a national shortage of Sodium Thiopental and the manufacturer's announced discontinuation of production.

The new drug, Pentobarbital, is widely available and manufactured in the United States. The change in protocol was communicated to U.S. District Judge Frost before whom legal action is pending concerning Ohio's lethal injection procedure. Pending further legal developments, the new procedure will be used for the execution of Johnnie Baston in March.

The state of Oklahoma has used Pentobarbital in 3 executions. At a much lower dosage, Pentobarbital is used to induce coma in heart surgery patients.

This protocol will not impact the execution of Frank Spisak scheduled for February 17, 2011. However, it will be applied to all future executions. DRC will continue to exercise this responsibility in a professional, humane and dignified manner.

Source:, January 28, 2011
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Kentucky executions could be delayed months, official says

If Kentucky is to continue executing death row inmates, it must find a new source of a drug used in lethal injections or revise the rules to substitute another drug.

The state has lost its supplier of sodium thiopental, an anesthetic used in executions.

Changing the mix of drugs used in an execution would require revising state regulations, a process that would take time and open the door for challenges by defense attorneys and anti-death penalty advocates.

The changes and challenges could take much of the year to resolve, said the Rev. Pat Delahanty, chairman of the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

"I don't think there'll be executions in 2011" in Kentucky, Delahanty said.

Hospira, a Lake Forest, Ill., company, announced last week it would not resume production of sodium thiopental.

Kentucky and other states use the chemical as the 1st one injected during an execution, to render the condemned person unconscious, followed by 2 other drugs to stop the inmate's breathing and heart.

Hospira was the only U.S. provider of sodium thiopental, which nearly all the states with the death penalty use in executions, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center.

The announcement caught officials in Kentucky and elsewhere by surprise.

"Hospira repeatedly told us that the drug would be available in the 1st quarter of this year," said Lisa Lamb, spokeswoman for the state Department of Corrections. "Since their announcement, we are gathering information on the availability of the drug and are exploring our options."

The state searched unsuccessfully last year for another source of sodium thiopental.

Dieter said he thinks most states will switch to another anesthetic for the executions.

Kentucky's execution regulation, however, specifies the use of sodium thiopental in combination with two other drugs.

That means if the state substitutes another anesthetic or switches to using a single drug, as some states are considering, it would have to put a new regulation into effect.

Dieter said he expects executions to slow down across the nation as states make changes and, inevitably, face lawsuits by death-penalty opponents.

"It's going to take some months, maybe a year" to resolve the issues, he said. "Everywhere, there's going to be challenges."

The inability to get sodium thiopental won't immediately delay any executions in Kentucky. The state is under a court order not to carry out executions.

That order came in a challenge to the state's attempt to execute Gregory Wilson last September.

Wilson was convicted of kidnapping, raping and killing Debbie Pooley, 36, in Northern Kentucky in 1987.

After Gov. Steve Beshear set Wilson's execution for Sept. 16, Wilson's attorneys joined a challenge to the state's execution protocol by other death row inmates.

Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd ruled that the regulation spelling out how the state will execute someone conflicted with state law.

The judge also said the protocol doesn't include adequate safeguards to prevent executing a person who is mentally retarded, which is against the law.

Wilson's attorneys have argued the only known test of Wilson's mental capacity showed he was retarded.

Shepherd issued an order barring the state from executing anyone.

The court fight over that order continues.

It will be resolved eventually, however, and state officials on both sides of the death-penalty issue are trying to figure out how to respond to difficulties in getting sodium thiopental.

"The question will be, what process do we have going forward?" said Tim Arnold, a supervisor at the state Department for Public Advocacy.

Some states have explored getting sodium thiopental from other countries.

That would raise a concern about the quality of the drug from foreign sources, Arnold said.

Kentucky has not looked to foreign sources for the drug in the past, said Jennifer Brislin, spokeswoman for the state Justice and Public Safety Cabinet.

Shelley Johnson, spokeswoman for state Attorney General Jack Conway, said 4 Death row inmates are at the stage in their appeals that Conway could ask Beshear to set execution dates for them.

They include Wilson; Ralph Baze, who was convicted of killing Powell County Sheriff Steve Bennett and Deputy Arthur Briscoe in 1992 as they tried to arrest him; and Robert Foley, convicted of murdering 6 people in Laurel County in 2 separate cases.

Johnson declined to identify the 4th man.

Death-penalty opponents hope the shortage of sodium thiopental for executions will create momentum for their call to end executions.

"Lacking the drugs to carry out the death penalty is added evidence that the system is broken," said Delahanty. "Finding another drug, which would require going through the whole regulatory process again, and wasting taxpayer dollars on more litigation, would be the wrong way to go and continue to undermine the credibility of our justice system."

Delahanty said the state law allowing life without parole is enough to protect the public and punish heinous murderers.

Others, however, noted that many people support the death penalty.

States will continue to look for sources of drugs to carry out executions, said Dieter.

"I don't think this is the end of the death penalty," he said.

Source:, January 28, 2011
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